Chapter 26

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Before you read this chapter, I just want to make one thing clear: THE ENDGAME PAIRINGS ARE HINATA X SASUKE (SasuHina) AND SAKURA X GAARA (GaaSaku)

Any pairings that differ from those are inevitably going to be short term so please no flaming!

It's my intention for this story to be as realistic as possible and in real life, people don't automatically end up with the one they're meant to be with. Sometimes, you have to go through a few things and/or significant others before you meet ~THE ONE~


Thank you for reading!

-Sakura's POV-

Once we were back at the agency, the boys wordlessly went to their dorm and Hinata went into the bathroom to shower first. I took the opportunity to check the message on my phone that'd come in while we were in the SUV.

As expected, it was another threatening message from Garrett, making my teeth grit angrily, "I'm not apologizing for shit. Tell your little boyfriend he'd better sleep with one eye open."

A deep sigh left my lips as I forced myself to calm down. Responding would just encourage him, so I opted to leave him on read.

What I couldn't wrap my head around was why my mother hadn't tried to contact me yet even though I already reached out. It only made me more anxious about the whole situation. Was the blowback from her finding out about Garrett's harassment worse than I thought it'd be?

Another message came in just as I was about to set the phone down and I groaned, assuming it was the annoying young man sending an additional text because I hadn't replied quickly enough. My eyes widened when Gaara's name crossed the screen instead.

"Can we talk? Sasuke just left."

My fingers ran over my hair, down my ponytail, as I checked my reflection in the mirror. I'd yet to take off my makeup or untie my hair, so I still looked photoshoot ready in that sense, but I was in casual clothing so it looked kind of weird. If I ended up crying, my face was going to be a hot mess, but we likely wouldn't get another chance to speak alone for a while so I had to suck it up and face the consequences of my actions.

The door to the boys' dorm was unlocked and I made an effort to keep my face calm as I padded barefoot down the hall and into Gaara's room, sitting beside him on the edge of his bed. He also hadn't washed his face yet. Neither of us said anything for a long time, so I glanced around his room.

This was my first time being here. I've been in their dorm before, but never their bedrooms. Black, tan, and white checkered sheets were on the bed and his desk's space was being utilized to the max. There was a laptop, a sound system, and multiple notebooks sitting on it, pencils and pens laying about as well.

Other than that, his room was bare. No personal items sat on the nightstands or shelves and he didn't have a single photo or piece of art hanging on the walls. A pout tugged at my lips. I was sort of hoping to get a deeper glimpse into his personality, but his room was just as guarded as his face.

The fact shouldn't surprise me because he's a very private person. All personal information I've ever learned about him hasn't come from him directly. I suppose I didn't really deserve to wish he'd open up more because the only reason he knew about my stressful family life was because Hinata pretty much forced me to let him and Sasuke in.

My skin prickled as I felt his gaze on me and I wondered how long he'd been studying me before I noticed. A tug pulled at my chest and I couldn't hold back the cringe it caused on my face. He was obviously still hurt by my harsh words last night and I couldn't blame him.

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