Chapter 71

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-Hinata's POV-

For the next three days, Sasuke and I tried to catch a moment alone to have sex but were ultimately interrupted each time. It was only Sakura, too. She really almost caught us when she came into his room after knocking, giving me barely five seconds to hide under the blankets, covering my head and all, to pretend to be some random woman. Our pink-haired bandmate got mad at him, saying he should've warned everyone else that he had company.

After that, Sasuke and I began losing hope we'd get a moment alone before the tour. That is until Friday night came along; Sakura left to go clubbing with Ino, dragging her boyfriend along to keep Sai company.

A barely-filtered moan passed my lips as Sasuke slid a finger in for the first time, dark eyes studying my face intently. When our bandmates vacated the house, he came over to my room and attacked me without a word or warning. He sat back on his knees, gaze dancing over my body and face as he moved at a bated pace so I could adjust to the new sensation.

A thick wave of self-consciousness came over me when I noticed. A couple of days ago, I made the mistake of clicking one of the posts made against me on twxtter and have been reeling to not think about it since. It was a collection of doctored photos of me, all edited to make me look much heavier than I am.

I know that's not what I actually look like. I also know that letting it get to me is precisely what those awful people want, but I just can't help it. What if I carry the weight I have a little heavily, and that's why everyone thinks I'm so fat?

As Sasuke gently caressed my thigh, my brow furrowed.

Does he think I'm chubby, too?

Since I saw those photos, I've had difficulty allowing him to see me completely naked without feeling sick. It's been hard to keep an appetite as well.

Suddenly, all movements froze, and I looked to see Sasuke making an odd face like he was worried, "You okay?"

I nodded, which caused tears that I didn't know had watered up to fall down the sides of my face. It also explained his sudden hesitance. Humiliated, I wiped at my cheeks and covered my face, "I-I'm fine; just keep going."

Rather than heed my request, Sasuke pulled away and flopped beside me on the bed. I looked at him, moving my hands away, "What're you doing?"

He spoke calmly, one arm around my waist as he came closer to press his lips to the side of my head, staying there as he spoke into my hair, "You're obviously uncomfortable, Hinata." Without continuing, I understood he meant he wouldn't mar our first encounter by going through with it when we weren't on the same page.

With trembling hands, I pulled the blanket up so it covered more of my body, unable to shake the self-consciousness, "I-I'm sorry. I know the tour's in three days, b-but I-" "It's fine." He didn't sound angry or upset, but that didn't make me feel better. It was me who brought up the idea of having sex before the tour, but now it's me who's preventing that from happening. I bet he's upset and is just pretending so he doesn't hurt my feelings.

"Something happened, didn't it?"

I averted my gaze, turning my back to him with a frown. This is something I'm not entirely comfortable talking about to anybody, much less the person I care the most about if they find me attractive or not.

"N-No, I'm alright. It must be nerves b-because of the tour."

Sasuke didn't say anything else but pulled me closer against him, kissing the back of my head as though wordless encouraging me to be honest because there was no way he believed that thin of a lie.

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