Chapter 38-Extremely Mature Content Warning

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A VERY strong content warning for this chapter!

Please DO NOT READ if reading about things such as sexual and physical abuse will trigger you or make you uncomfortable.

If you're going to continue reading, please keep in mind that the things mentioned in this chapter are never, under any circumstances, acceptable.

If you or someone you know are experiencing sexual abuse, please reach out and get help!

Thank you!

-Sakura's POV-

My fingers curled around Sasori's as I sat next to him on the plane. He's asleep with big headphones covering his ears, but just being able to hold his hand like this helps with my first-time-flier anxiety. The redhead's head was resting against the covered window and I can't help but glance over at his relaxed face every so often.

It's no secret that the two of us have been having problems getting along lately, but I still like him a whole lot.

In my opinion, our busy schedules play a large part in our constant miscommunication, but he disagrees. He says it's because I'm making us take things so slow, that it's all my fault. The day he first said that to me, I nearly slapped him but didn't because I know it's not right to resort to physical violence just because we don't agree on something. Instead, I explained very clearly how it makes him look and sound when he openly says things like that, like he's only with me in the hopes of getting lucky.

He swears up and down that he just wants to be closer, both physically and psychologically. Since he's older than me with a million times more experience, he may actually be right and sleeping together could possibly ease the tension between us, but what if he's not? What if he's completely wrong and everything blows up? These questions have been plaguing me since before we even bought our house and moved out of the dorms.

After making out with him so heatedly at that party, I thought we'd end up doing it within the following weeks. That was before Gaara told me what he overheard Hidan saying. If it was anyone but one of my bandmates, Ino, or Tenten who tried to convince me to be cautious, I wouldn't have given them the time of day, but Gaara would never, in a million years, lie about something like that. I can trust him and that's a fact.

I tried to do some good old fashioned girlfriend digging online by checking out Sasori's social media accounts for anything suspicious, but found nothing. When I tried to talk to the man about it, he denied everything, so that left me back at square one not knowing what to do.

I don't want to believe he's guilty of the awful things I've suspected, but if I give in and end up being wrong, it'll be a giant mistake. So, I've been holding out to see if he'll dump me because I won't sleep with him. Our arguing has continued, but he's never even mentioned breaking up one time. Because of this, I finally came to the decision that I was going to lose my virginity on this trip if the opportunity arises.

Only Ino and Hinata know about it. Hinata's hesitantly warned me to be completely sure before doing anything, but Ino's completely stopped talking to me after our argument at lunch the other day. I tried texting her while Sasori was driving us to the airport, but she never responded.

I bit the inside of my cheek and glanced over at my boyfriend's handsome face again, leaning over to rest my head on his shoulder with a sigh. He wouldn't tell me where our destination was until we were going through customs, where I had to be made aware because of the many signs and announcements.

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