Chapter 41-Mature Content Warning

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Extremely mature content warning for this chapter!

Please do not read if sexual/physical abuse will affect you!

Thank you!

-Hinata's POV-

The moment the door was opened, music enveloped us so loudly that it shook my ribcage with each bump of the bass. Crowds of dancing men and women filled the room and the smell of alcohol and marijuana filled the air.

I swallowed nervously, but forced my strong facade to remain intact as Sakura's arm tightened around my own. When I looked over at her, she was searching the crowd with an anxious frown. She noticed me looking so I gave her a reassuring squeeze and we began making our way through the densely crowded room. Sakura's so nervous that I can see it clearly on her face, so it didn't strike me as surprising when she led us directly to the kitchen so she could get a drink.

A few strangers greeted us as we passed, knowing who we are because of Prestige, and we politely smiled and said hello and kept on moving. As she found the alcohol and began preparing herself a drink, I turned to survey the crowd in case I somehow got lucky and saw a friendly face.

Almost immediately, I smiled widely as Kisame from Akatsuki met my eye and made his way over with a big grin. He opened his arms for a hug as he got close enough for me to hear him, "What's up, Hina? I didn't expect to see you at a place like this!"

I shyly accepted his friendly embrace and blushed when he pulled back with his hands on either of my shoulders, "Hello Kisame. I'm happy to see you!"

"You aren't usually the partying type. Are you here with someone?"

I turned to gesture at Sakura, who just moments ago was barely a yard away, only to realize that she was no longer in sight. My eyes widened in surprise and my body turned the rest of the way as my mouth opened slightly in disbelief. When I looked over the crowd again, I didn't even see a single glimpse of pink.

Panicking a bit, I grabbed Kisame's muscular arm with trembling hands, which made him drop his friendly smile, "Are you okay?"

"Have you seen Sakura? She was just right here!"

He shook his head with a concerned look, "Sakura's here too? No, I haven't seen her. Is something wrong?"

I met his eyes and felt torn. On one hand, he's a super friendly guy and I know I can trust him, but on the other, I promised Sakura not to tell a single soul about our goal here tonight. So I shook my head, "I just really need to find her because she's had a few drinks and I promised to look after her tonight. Can you help me look?"

He looked around the room with more ease than me, given his spectacular height, "Of course! Meet back here in ten minutes?" I nodded, giving him a grateful smile before we parted ways to begin looking for our pink-haired friend.

-Sakura's POV-

The moment I finished pouring myself a rather strong drink, I felt someone grab my backside and turned in shock, ready to hit whoever it was, only to freeze up in shock when Sasori's grinning face met my eye. His cheeks were already flushed with inebriation, telling me he's already had more than enough alcohol since I've seen him drink for hours straight without visibly showing any signs.

I fought my strong urge to punch his smug face, all my anger and terror from the past week rising up to the surface, and forced a smile, "I didn't think I'd find you so fast." His smile widened and he grabbed my wrist to pull me against him, obviously going for a kiss, but I swiftly dodged it and pretended to misunderstand his approach as a hug.

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