Chapter 21

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-Hinata's POV-

Soon after the filming of our pre-debut interview was complete, we were ushered back into the waiting area to watch and review the recording of it. The four of us squeezed onto one sofa so we could huddle around one of LMC's fancy tablets. Tenten and Kakashi stood nearby with amused looks on their faces.

The first thing I noticed was that Konan looked amazing on camera and appeared as though she knew that. I tried to put myself in the shoes of someone who hasn't met any of us. Sakura came off as a bit talkative but still likable, I came off as quiet and polite, Gaara came off as sweet and bashful, and Sasuke came off as a cocky bad boy.

There was a section under the video where live comments were being posted and the majority of them were people fawning over the boys. I couldn't blame them. There are still times when I catch myself staring at either of them, and even sometimes Sakura, in awe of their attractive appearances.

"Hinata, you have to start telling people you're the visual when discussing group roles! Be more confident!"

My face warmed at my roommate's professional instruction, brow furrowing when the boys both made sounds of agreement. Luckily, no one expected me to vocally respond so I did my best to put my unease on the backburner.

Tenten cackled as she watched Sakura's face turn red when Konan offered to talk her up to Sasori, "I know Sasori, too, by the way. If you're really interested in him, let me know."

The girl shot the brunette woman a dirty look but ultimately didn't object. Tenten and I shared a brief look of surprise, but didn't say anything further on the topic. Without hesitation, Tenten whipped her cellphone out to, I assume, text Sasori about Sakura and see if he's interested.

I refocused on the tablet and felt a frown start to slowly form on my lips. It was hard not to think negatively when it was clear, to me at least, that I didn't shine quite as brightly as my bandmates. I fought to hide my sad expression by putting a hand casually over my mouth as I leaned over to get a better view. For almost the entirety of the interview, I kind of sank into the background. Even when I was speaking, it was easy to look at any of the others. The rest of Prestige talked plenty and had moments that drew a lot of attention, but it felt like I was exceptionally average compared to them.

The video soon ended and Sakura started scrolling down through the comments to read a few, "Oh, you guys already have fangirls and we haven't even performed yet!"

Sasuke snatched the tablet out of her hands to read a few of the comments before scoffing and handing it to Gaara, "That's to be expected in this line of work. You two have some fans commenting, too."

Everyone gave him a look of annoyance. He could be so pompous sometimes.

I continued to silently peek at the screen as the other three scrolled down, my chin resting on Sakura's shoulder. With a deep breath, I steeled my nerves and refused to let my negative thoughts consume me. Maybe I hadn't stood out much during our interview, but I can still go above and beyond during our performance to make up for it.

Once we finished browsing the comments on our interview, Tenten and Kakashi treated us to lunch at a fancy steakhouse. While waiting for our food to arrive, Kakashi cleared his throat to draw attention to himself.

"I'm very proud of how you handled yourselves during the interview. As CEO of Evolution Entertainment, I feel as though you positively represented the company and made a fantastic first impression."

"Also as your CEO, I want to give you some words of encouragement as the time for your debut nears. Don't be satisfied with a 'good' performance. I want you to give it everything you've got tonight. It's perfectly acceptable to be emotional about the step you're taking toward your future and I want you to make the most of it for yourselves. Regardless of how popular Prestige ends up becoming, you need to be able to look back on your debut with fondness."

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