Chapter 47

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-Hinata's POV-

"Konan, you're welcome to sit this one out if you'd like, but one other person will need to volunteer to sit out so we have an even number."

I was tempted to offer, but that would leave Sakura as the only female left. We're not guaranteed to face one another, but I refuse to leave her alone if she isn't going to opt out herself. The room was silent for a moment before Nagato gave in and raised his hand, a bashful grin on his face, "I'm not really suited for this type of thing anyway."

Yamato thanked the young man as he joined him and Konan on the small podium beside the boxing ring, "It's settled, then. These two will help me judge the friendly wrestling matches. His eyes narrowed in a half-serious/half-joking manner, "And I mean it when I say friendly wrestling. There will be no low blows, unnecessary violence, or things of that nature. Keep things clean and fair. This is a family friendly show."

The man then gestured to his waist, which I only just noticed had a red cloth belt tied around it into a bow, "Each person will have a belt like this. The goal is to take said belt from your opponent. If neither participant is able to take the other's within the allotted five minutes, my fellow judges and I will determine a winner. Does anyone have questions?"

A few murmurs sounded amongst us, but no one raised their hand or voice so Yamato continued, accepting a box with a small opening on its top from an assistant, "We've placed everyone's names in this box so opponents will be decided at random. Konan, would you like to do the honors?"

The woman obliged with her usual stoic expression, pulling out a slip of paper and reading the name on it with a monotone voice, "Kisame." The man in question stepped forward with an eager grin and Konan pulled out his opponent's name, "and Sasuke." Various sounds of excitement came from throughout the room as Sasuke stepped up to stand beside the taller man and accepted his friendly handshake.

A frown met my lips at the unfamiliar hard expression on his face as he tied the red rope around his middle. Whatever's going on with him, I hope it's nothing I did and I really hope it's nothing serious. Soon the two were inside the boxing ring with the rest of us surrounding it loosely. These two are notoriously competitive so it's bound to be an entertaining match.

Yamato spoke into the microphone, mimicking the cheesy way wrestling MCs speak on television with his tone, "As you can see, the ground is padded to reduce the chances of bruising or injury. If at any time you need to tap out or require help, please let us know. No one will judge you. Your safety is priority number one."

A few snickers came from the spectators and I didn't have to look to know who they'd come from. Instead, I chose to keep my eyes trained on Sasuke, who's back was turned as he stood facing Kisame as Yamato finished up his last minute rules.

Kisame's somehow taller than Sasuke, which is a feat in and of itself because the Uchiha man stands at a remarkable height already, but also has noticeably more muscle mass. That part doesn't surprise me because Kisame's made it known many times that he's trained professionally how to fight in many different styles and works out almost every single day, meaning Sasuke has his work cut out for him with this match. It makes me feel a bit guilty that I'm not sure if he's studied any fighting styles himself. That's something I'll have to remember to ask next time a chance arises.

When the bell rang to signal the match to begin, Sakura snapped me out of my stupor by cheering loudly, "Go Sasuke!" My hands clapped lightly, more out of an automated response than anything else. Violent competitions and sports like this really aren't my cup of tea.

Kisame immediately lunged at the Uchiha in question, hands almost clasping around his belt, but he jumped out of the way just in time. He's so fast! Over and over again, the taller man tried to get his hands on Sasuke, but he just kept ducking and dodging away.

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