Chapter 60

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-Sakura's POV-

His breath hitched, and the room went silent for a moment before I tried to kiss him again to end the almost awkward tension, but he pulled back so he could see my face clearly. Those gorgeous eyes are full of warmth and concern, but he looks more serious than usual, "Don't rush yourself for my sake. I'll wait however long you need."

Again, he's amazing. He treats me so well, and I want to show him my appreciation.

Tears threatened to begin welling up in my eyes, and I leaned in to kiss him again, this time succeeding. A blush rose when I pulled back again, but I kept it together, "I trust you. Can we at least try?"

Gaara's face began to warm and turn a charming soft red, but he nodded after a long pause of searching my face. My eyes danced from his lips up to his eyes and back again as I closed the distance between us, and then we were kissing again.

Unlike my past experience, it was slow, gentle, and full of adoration and care, the way he slid his tongue past my lips and shyly let it swirl with mine. He's so bashful about it every time it makes my heart flutter.

Slowly, in an effort not to scare both him and myself, I lifted one hand onto his stomach and gently ran it up to his chest before bringing it up to his neck and jaw, the tips of my fingers brushing into his soft red hair. Another minute passed before he finally reached up to run his fingers into my hair to more firmly press his lips against mine.

This arousal, it's like what I felt before things took a wrong turn in Yuki no Kuni, but it's also somehow different because it's Gaara. It's sweeter and more...I don't know...sure?

After another minute or two of steadily warming up, I pulled my lips from his and moved down to press slow kisses into his neck, speaking between each one, "I want to go to your room. Do you think it'll be okay with them home?"

He swallowed nervously under my touch before responding in a slightly forced voice, "I-If we're quiet, it should be fine." His pulse is so quick. I can feel it easily.

I climbed off of him as he sat up, and he shyly grabbed my hand to pull me into his room with him. Like the pair of inexperienced teenagers that we are, we sat in front of one another on his bed, the lamp on the nightstand being the only source of light. For some reason, my nervousness increased tenfold when I realized we were going to try this, but I'm still not scared, which is a good sign.

Red-faced and unsure, I averted my gaze from his attentive one and down to my knees, where my hands rested in my lap, "I'm not rushing you either, am I? We don't have to do this if you're not comfortable."

It was quiet for a few moments, and I hesitantly looked back up to see that Gaara's blush had faded a bit, and he was staring at me with a more sober expression, "What should, um...What should I do first?"

Warm adoration and giddiness washed over me at his honest reaction. He's a virgin, and though I badly wish I was, too, I still don't have much experience in how this type of situation should play out between a normal couple.

"I'll take my shirt off. You do it, too, okay?"

He nodded, long fingers twitching down to the hem of his t-shirt as his blush rose to the bright level it was at before. I held my breath, closed my eyes, and then pulled my sweatshirt over my head, tossing it off the edge of the bed. When he did the same, we looked up at one another naturally at the same time.

The heat boiling within my lower regions flared when I realized his body was even nicer than I imagined. He usually dresses in street-style clothing, which typically lends to a loose fit, so I wasn't sure what to expect. No matter what, I think he's perfect, but it doesn't hurt that he has an excellent physique.

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