Chapter 23

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To take a break from the drama, here is a steamy NejiTen Chapter!

In one of the previous chapters, if you remember, Tenten mentioned meeting Neji at the club and this chapter is what happened that night.

We'll return to your regularly scheduled Prestige drama directly after this chapter.

Enjoy and thank you for reading!

"Tenten, would you do the honors?"

I graciously accepted the over-sized pair of scissors and snipped the ribbon tied up across the entrance of the brand new club: Evolve.

"We're officially open for business!"

If it wasn't obvious by the name or by the fact that I was doing the opening ceremony, Evolve's owned by Evolution Entertainment. Kakashi picked the perfect location for it, too. It's on 5th street, surrounded loosely by various other upscale stores and restaurants, but not so close that the loud music would be a bother.

The crowd cheered and I soon led the way inside the fresh new club.

The massive dance floor was mainly a matte black with an unbelievable amount of glitter, but the small lines between the tiles were lined with led lights of all different colors.

It was truly remarkable on the inside. There were very few lights hanging from the ceiling and a majority of those were at the very large "E" shaped bar. The "E" stands for Evolve, obviously, and was manned by two bartenders instead of one.

The middle section of the "E" cut the bar in two and one bartender handled a half of the letter. The middle section had a fish tank running from the bar all the way to the ceiling, but instead of fish on the inside, there were little electronic jellyfish swimming about that also glowed to the beat of whatever music was playing. I could go on and on about all of the little fancy details of the bar, but that would take forever and I just don't have the time for that.

Since I'm hosting the grand opening, I'm expected to stay until close, which was at two thirty in the morning. Since the ribbon cutting was at nine p.m. sharp, I had a long night ahead of me.

The hours passed slowly. They were filled with mingling and accepting invitations to dance when I really didn't want to, but I didn't really have a choice. Kakashi agreed to give me a substantial bonus for hosting this event so it's my own fault for accepting.

Around eleven or twelve, I finally managed to slip away and took a seat at the furthest end of the bar where I wouldn't be seen by those on the dance floor. The only way I'd be noticed was if they were headed to sit at the same bar.

I enjoy clubbing as much as the next girl, but it's not much fun when I don't know anyone there. No one was able to fit the event into their schedule, which I didn't take offense to because everyone has their own lives and I know that. It doesn't help that it's the middle of the week and not a weekend. I just wish I had at least one familiar person nearby.

A drink slid in front of me and I was pulled from my self-pitying thoughts. I looked at the black marble-topped counter to see a bubbly clear drink. The quiet bartender gestured with his thumb when I gave him a confused look. I scoured the bar for who'd sent the drink, only to be pleasantly surprised to see none other than Neji Hyuuga. I offered him a smile, a wordless invitation to join me. He rose from his seat and came around to sit next to me. I clinked my glass gently against his and we both drank in silence. Despite having been at the bar for a few hours now, I hadn't had many drinks so I barely had a buzz.

My eyes traveled up and down his body as he finished off his glass of what looked like whisky. It surprised me how handsome the businessman looked. When he visited the agency, I obviously noticed he was a looker, but somehow I hadn't realized just how gorgeous he was. Neji was wearing that suit, damn it. If I had to guess, he hadn't changed after leaving his job. The top two buttons of his shirt were undone, his tie was loosened, and his hair was free rather than being tied loosely like it had been last time I saw him.

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