Chapter 45

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-Sakura's POV-

When I woke up, I was still laying with Gaara and that surprised me. I recall asking him to stay while half-asleep, but didn't fully expect him to listen. He's too shy for something like that, or so I thought. The arm under me had fallen slack, allowing me to roll onto my back whilst sleeping, but the other was still loosely around me. Gaara's neck was level with my eyes and his body was angled slightly around mine, so his face was all but buried into my hair.

Heat met my face when I looked down to see I'd wrapped both of my arms around the one atop me to keep him there. I shouldn't be enjoying this. Nevermind that Gaara's my friend and it's wrong of me to greedily see him in such a light, but after just going through what I did with Sasori, this sort of thing should terrify me thoroughly. As I laid there and thought about it, I realized that if it was anyone except the Subaku man, I definitely would've panicked upon waking.

Last night...this man saw a photo of me I probably wouldn't be able to show even my mother. I don't know how I was able to allow it, but I did and now I'm not sure how we'll react when he wakes up. It's not like he saw me naked because everything is blurred out in those areas, but still. It didn't leave much to the imagination. Not only that, but...

My heart warmed and my fingers tightened ever so slightly around his warm arm. He didn't judge me. He didn't ask me to talk about it. He didn't do anything but assure me that he doesn't hate me and try his best to help me deal with the pain. Gaara did exactly what I needed and I'm not sure I even knew it as it was happening.

I feel so much better, like a massive weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

Tears rose to my eyes and I grit my teeth as I rolled in his arms so I could hug him tightly, my arm wrapping around his side and up so I could run my fingers in his hair. He stirred, as I expected, but I didn't care.

After freezing for a moment, Gaara hesitantly returned the embrace, "...Sakura? Are you alright?" His voice was deep and groggy from sleep.

I just held him tighter, closer, "Thank you for everything. You have no idea how much you've done for me."

His sudden bashfulness was almost palpable and it in turn made me feel shy, but neither of us pulled away or said anything about it. Instead, he mumbled softly into my hair, "You don't have to thank me. Just promise to come to me next time."

-Hinata's POV-

When I rushed into the coffee shop, I was out of breath and praying that Matsuri hadn't been sitting in there thinking I stood her up. I got stuck in traffic on my way over from the agency and was a whopping ten minutes late for our lunch date.

I made my way to one of the private rooms where I'd be hidden from the public eye before knocking softly. When a soft "Come in." met my ears, I stepped inside and began removing my face mask as I slid into the booth across from the pretty brunette woman, "Sorry I'm late!"

Matsuri offered a tight-lipped smile before glancing down into her mug, "I hope it's alright that I ordered for you."

I nodded, sliding my arms out of my coat and sitting it neatly on the booth by my side before taking a deep breath to calm my frazzled nerves. As if on cue, a waiter arrived with food for us both and a coffee for me. I waited until he was gone and the door was closed again before speaking.

Running my thumb over the rim of the mug, I averted my gaze to the coffee and shyly said, "So what changed your mind?"

The woman mirrored my anxious fidgeting and hesitated for a long time before sighing softly, "I'm in love with Sasori. I have been for years now." I couldn't stop my eyes from shooting up to lock onto hers in surprise.

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