Chapter 42

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-Hinata's POV-

Kankuro drove us to the brunette woman's apartment first. I never managed to get her name, but did leave my contact information on a note at her bedside table. She was unconscious the moment she touched her bed. Despite this, I feel somehow responsible for her since I'm the one who found her in such a sorry state. Hopefully she'll reach out tomorrow and let me know that she's alright.

After that, we headed back to our house. Kankuro decided to just crash on our sofa for the night so he could see his brother in the morning, but I know his real intentions were to make sure Sakura and I were alright. I can't speak to what happened with her because she won't talk to me, but I was barely able to stay upright when he found me.

My pink-haired friend thanked the Subaku man once more before wishing us both a good night and disappearing into her bedroom. I even heard her lock the door behind her, which she never does. Something awful happened, that much I know for sure now.

She can't even look me in the eye and Kankuro didn't deny it when I asked him, but he wouldn't give any details because she asked him to keep quiet. I understand and respect that, but what he doesn't realize is that this isn't the first day of her acting out of character. Her mental health is obviously at risk of deteriorating if something doesn't change soon. Sakura's the type to tough out the hard stuff so she doesn't appear weak or imperfect to others: our beautiful, control-freak group leader.

"Shouldn't you worry about yourself, Hinata? You weren't exactly doing great earlier, either."

I froze in the process of laying some spare blankets and pillows on the sofa next to where he was sitting and gave him a pleading look to keep it down so no one would overhear, "I'm the last thing on my mind right now. That poor girl and Sakura are going through more."

His brow rose, "What happened anyway?"

I shook my head, tears threatening to rise as the cloudy feeling from earlier began to seep back in, "I-I don't want to talk about it. I'm sorry."

He sighed, stretching out his arms before falling lazily to the side, making me pull my arms out of the way of the pillows, "You two are a handful, that's for sure. My baby bro has his work cut out for him."

With a red face, I politely said good night before excusing myself to go upstairs. With each step, my strong facade faded more and more. Terror iced my body despite my blood feeling so hot it could be boiling in my veins.

Hidan's lips against mine so roughly and the feeling of him pressing against me... Oh God ...

By the time I got to the top of the stairs, I was beginning to get dizzy and hurried into my room just in case I fainted. After showering and getting dressed, I still couldn't get myself to calm down and panicked.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I knocked on the door in the bathroom that leads into Sasuke's room. He didn't answer. My fingers shook as I grabbed the doorknob and I swallowed my pride before opening it. The Uchiha man was sleeping, as I expected, but just the sight of him made my unease waver so I know I made the right choice coming over.

Feeling quite humiliated and ashamed of my need for comfort, I climbed into bed beside him as carefully as possible to try and not wake him. As I settled in and pulled the blankets up over me, I thought I was successful, but then an arm snaked around my waist and I was pulled back against him like last time.

His voice was low and raspy with sleep, making my stomach flutter, "You good?" He could undoubtedly feel the slight trembling my body still couldn't stop.

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