Chapter 66

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-Hinata's POV-

"I'm taking you on a date."

I pulled my headphones off my ears and let them rest on my neck with wide eyes, "What?"

Sasuke was sprawled across the couch in the studio of Prestige's house, located in the basement. I was at the keyboard working on some songs as he struggled to create lyrics for his own. He'd taken to playing on his phone, and when he got bored, he opted to stare at me. I was hardly able to focus on my work as a result. "We're dating. I'm taking you on an honest-to-goodness date."

The Uchiha man has been slowly warming up to the intricacies of long-term dating. Every time he takes another step forward, though, it surprises me.

My face warmed, and I glanced toward the stairs to make sure Gaara and Sakura weren't on their way down, lowering my voice to just above a whisper, "We can't do that, and you know it. Someone could see us."

He shrugged and started scrolling through xstagram again, much less worried about paparazzi than I was apparently, "So we'll wear masks and be careful. We'll just say we're on our way to meet the others if we're caught." I couldn't stop the slight grin on my lips, and he let out a snicker when he glanced up and noticed, "Aha, I knew you wanted to."

I rolled my eyes at him before trying to put my headphones back on so I could focus on my work, but the door to the upstairs shot open, and Sakura hollered down the steps, "Is it Kisame, Hinata?"

My face paled. Sasuke looked over at me in confusion as Sakura sprinted downstairs with a wide grin on her lips, "Huh?"

She laughed loudly, "Is he your secret boy toy? You said I get three guesses, remember? I bet this back and forth you two have been playing at has been a ploy to keep us all off your scent!"

I shot up from my seat and frantically made dismissive gestures with my hands, "N-No! It's not Kisame!"

Her grin fell, and she pouted dramatically, "Aw..., I was so sure!" She stomped back up the steps, hollering at Gaara, who was most likely waiting for her to return to cuddling him on the sofa, "We were wrong, Babe!"

Once the door was shut again, I sat back down at the keyboard with a bright red face and tried to avoid Sasuke's pointed stare. "She said that about Itachi, too. What's that all about?"

I hung my head in defeat. I'd forgotten to tell him about the deal Sakura and I had made, "Sakura wouldn't leave me alone about that h-hickey, so I promised her if she could guess who gave it to me within three guesses, I'd admit it."

I thought he'd be annoyed, but instead, he let out an amused laugh, "I wonder if she'll figure it out."

My eyes shot to his in mild surprise, and he shrugged, "Well, it seems dumb to keep hiding it. I mean, Sakura literally told us to stay upstairs so they could fuck."

My face rewarmed. I, too, had noticed that Gaara and Sakura were starting to care less and less if we saw or heard them canoodling. A sigh of relief slid out of my mouth, "So, I can tell her, then?"

His face suddenly got mischievous, and he shook his head slowly, "Nah. Let's see what we can get away with first." The blush I'd had increased tenfold, and my mouth clamped shut. Just what does he mean by that?

When the weekend came, Sasuke and I snuck out of the house and drove to a movie theater in a small town just outside of Konoha since it was less likely we'd run into anyone we knew there. We both wore black masks over our noses and mouths. I also had my bangs pinned to the side and my usually straight hair curled prettily in case someone saw us so I wouldn't be immediately recognizable by my signature hairstyle.

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