Chapter 1

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This entire story was inspired by the song Secret Love Song by Little Mix, so it only makes sense that I dedicate the first chapter to that song!

Enjoy, and thanks for reading!

The arts are one of the best ways to leave your stamp on history. In a world where technology is constantly upgrading, and one day something is popular and then unpopular the next, everyone can agree that showing talent in music or art is something they long for.

If you ask a high school graduate what they plan on going to college for, they will most likely give you a straight answer about business or accounting. Now if you were to ask them what their dream job would be, it, more often than not, would be something completely unrelated to what they are going to school to study.

Personally, I'm going to college to study business and technology-related subjects, but I really want to be an artist. I honestly don't care if it's as a painter, a singer, or a dancer. I just want to live a life with a constant ability to express myself. It wasn't that I hated the idea of being a businesswoman and pursuing my family's expectations; it was just that I didn't have any passion for it.

My hands danced over the empty, dark music room's piano keys. The sleek feel of each key brought a swell to my chest, and a mental image of me playing for a stadium brought a small smile to my lips. I'd sneakily taught myself how to play piano over multiple years, only genuinely considering myself no longer a novice a year or so ago. A soft melody drifted into the air, and it was as if I could see the notes physically floating out of the instrument and into the atmosphere around the room.

The intrusive sound of snickering quickly wiped the euphoria from my mind, and my eyes shot to the window next to the door to see two students, a boy and a girl, with their noses pressed to the glass making faces at me. The swelling in my chest disappeared instantly, and a soft sigh pushed past my lips as I dropped my eyes back to the piano keys, stopping my fingers' movement.

The door handle jiggled, but I had locked it on my way in as I'd become used to being interrupted. The disappointment I felt toward said action happening once more was quickly becoming panic.

The snickering of the duo picked up as the intruders realized I'd expected them to come to harass me. It wasn't anything new for me to be teased by a handful of my classmates, but this couple was the worst and most consistent. They were Karin and Suigetsu: the school's "it" couple, but not because everyone loved them. They'd bullied and bought their way to the top.

Karin was undoubtedly one of the prettiest girls I'd ever seen, with blood-red hair and sultry dark eyes set against flawless pale skin, but the moment she opened her mouth, she transformed into a disgusting witch. Suigetsu, on the other hand, isn't the most handsome guy. He was pretty average, with shoulder-length white hair and blue eyes.

If we're all being truthful, Karin held all the power and spotlight in their relationship, but that didn't mean Suigetsu wasn't intimidating. The young man was more than eager to act on Karin's orders, even if they were to physically injure someone.

Karin's family had designed a chain of high-end glasses and made quite a statement in the fashion industry. The girl in question had nothing to do with any of the designs but told everyone that she'd done most of the work for the line, and people either believed her or pretended to so they wouldn't be her next target.

On my freshman year's last day of school, I remember the two held a girl down in the gymnasium and cut her hair so short that she probably had to shave her head to make it even. Said girl had the prettiest natural pink hair and was quite a stunning person in general, which made me think Karin must've felt threatened and saw her as competition that she needed to be rid of. I don't remember the girl's name, but she didn't return the following year, so I assume she switched schools.

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