All's Well That Ends Well

Start from the beginning

Once he was gone Elena approached his right side and stood next to him quietly. "So... Tonight was one hell of a back to school party," she offered awkwardly. Despite how awkward the tension was, he laughed. "Yeah, something tells me we're gonna be telling our grandkids about this someday," he joked wryly. She cracked a small smile and giggled at his sarcasm.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier, Lena," Dean apologized. "I'm just not in a good place right now, and instead of dealing with it like a normal person, I took it out on you." Elena squeezed her lips together and nodded in understanding. "I forgive you," she said. "And I shouldn't have pressed you for answers when you weren't ready to talk. I promise I'll try to be more patient with you." "And I will try not to be so closed off," Dean agreed.

This made Elena smile and she instinctively took his hand in hers. "Well, whatever happens after tonight, I want you to know that I'll be here if you need me." Dean was barely able to keep his emotions from running rampant and at that moment he realized he wanted nothing more than to kiss her. However, Bonnie came in at the last second before he could make his decision and said, "Hey, guys, we're gonna go mainline coffee, wait for news." "I gotta get Sam home, it's getting late," Dean replied. "Yeah, same, Jeremy's had a pretty rough night," Elena chimed in. Bonnie nodded at the two of them, pretending to ignore the sight of their hands entwined together.

"Okay, well, you guys be safe out there, alright?" Bonnie responded. "Yeah, sure. I'll call you both once I get Sam in the house," Dean nodded. He hugged Elena with his free arm and kissed the top of her head, then he hugged Bonnie and walked away from the two girls. But before he got too far away from them, he called back out to Elena and said, "By the way, you look good in that jacket, Gilbert; you can keep it."

Elena stifled a grin and looked away from Dean to keep from letting her smile show. Once Sam and Dean were gone, Bonnie looked back at her best friend and sighed. "Elena, there's no way I'm psychic. I know that. But whatever I saw, or I think I saw, I have this feeling..."

"Bonnie, what?"

"That it's just the beginning."

* * *

"She took my breath away," Damon exhaled. "Elena. She's a dead ringer for Katherine." "Enough, Damon," Stefan snapped. "Although, I've been hearing whispers that Elena has feelings for a certain flannel-wearing friend of ours," the older man taunted. "Ooh, that's gotta be a huge blow to your ego. I know it would be to mine."

"I don't have to listen to this," Stefan raised his hands in exasperation. "Is it working Stefan?" Damon inquired. "Being around her and Dean, being in their world? Does it make you feel alive?"

"She's not Katherine and he's not the freak of nature you're painting him to be," Stefan argued defensively. "Well, let's hope not," Damon hummed. "We both know how that last story ended, and I'm also not particularly keen on being on the run for the rest of my life." Stefan glared daggers at his brother and wished more than anything that he would just go away. But since when did he ever get what he wanted.

And as much as Damon annoyed him, what annoyed him, even more, was how truthful he was being. Elena was in love with Dean and yes, in love was the right word. It was plain as day for anyone to see and honestly, he couldn't find it in him to be the least bit jealous. It was a little less obvious to tell if Dean was in love with her, considering how well he blocked off his emotions. However, if you knew what to look for like he did, then it would be easier to tell.

And Dean almost definitely did.

"Well, going back to what you said about Elena being in love with Dean, so what?" Stefan shot back. "If they're happy together, fine. I just came back to get to know Elena and I'm perfectly capable of doing that as her friend." This surprised Damon, as he was not expecting his brother to be so cool with the idea of a guy who was like a brother to him getting with Elena. Damon knew from experience that he wouldn't have been so lenient.

The Supernatural Diaries {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now