Late Night Parties, Part II

Start from the beginning

It was like Stefan said earlier. Dean was that person she had come to depend on without even realizing it. And now that she has, she can't imagine him not being there for her whenever she needs it.

"Well, it sounds to me like you truly love him," Stefan said. She flushed brightly and tucked her hair behind her ear. "So, have you told him yet?" he inquired impishly. "I tried to, but then he got that phone call from Sam and... Well..." She trailed off.

"Ah. Well, cheer up. I'm sure you'll get another chance," he offered hopefully. Elena sucked in a breath. "I'm not so sure the universe wants me to," she countered. "I've been trying to tell him since the last week of summer and somehow, I always get interrupted or something pops up randomly that either of us has to take care of."

"Well, don't give up just yet."

Elena smiled and nodded. "Well, anyway, that was all of the Dean troubles I have. Let's get on with talking about you," she changed the subject. "You know, you're the talk of the town." "I am?" Stefan followed her lead. "Yeah. You are the mysterious new guy," she said teasingly. "Well, you have the mysterious thing going, too," he compared. "Twinged in sadness." Elena looked somewhat puzzled by his words. "What makes you think I'm sad?"

"Well, we did me in a graveyard," Stefan replied. The change in the mood was nearly as apparent as the freckles on Dean's face. "Right," Elena drawled, searching for a way out of that dreary line of conversation. "Well, no, technically we met in the men's room." They both shared an awkward laugh, before falling into a brief silence. "You don't wanna know," she said. "It's not exactly party chit-chat."

"Well, I've never been good at, uh, chit-chat," Stefan responded gently. "And I think we've established that I'm a very good listener."

"Last spring... My parents' car drove off a bridge and into the lake. I was in the back seat and I survived, but they didn't," Elena stated. "That's my story." Stefan hung back after she said that making Elena turn back curiously. "You won't be said forever, Elena," he consoled. She quirked up her lips in acknowledgment.

* * *

Dean ran through the thicket calling out for Sam, as his mind frantically raced with all the many horrible outcomes of how he would find his brother running through his head. It was these thoughts that made him run faster than what was normal for a regular human.

In the back of his mind, his thoughts drifted back towards Elena and how worried she'd been. As per usual, whenever recent thoughts of Elena crept into his mind, he would always veer off to thinking about her infectious laugh that made him laugh or the way her eyes would light up when she's truly happy. Or how her smile could simultaneously melt the wall of ice he had built around his heart.

Or-- whoa, whoa! What was he thinking? Now was not the time to be daydreaming about a girl he can never have. Right now, he needed to help his brother and that's all he needs to focus on.

"Sam!" He yelled hoarsely. "Sammy!" After running through the woods for what seemed like forever, the elder Winchester stumbled and came to a stop and collapsed against a nearby tree panting breathlessly. Once he was able to regain his breath, a strong scent of blood wafted into his nostrils. He gagged and pinched his nose, as he attempted to fan the odor away.

Fucking Hunter Sense! Dean swore mentally. And he was right. The young hunter was detecting the scent of spilled blood from two different directions. One of them smelled older, staler, kind of rotten like the fourth victim Sam said he found. However, the other scent smelled fresh.

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