Hello Again!

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First: THIS IS THE SECOND PART OF THIS STORY. You MUST read the previous part first, of this will make absolutely no sense— trust me on this!






Now then! You've reached our second part!

So.... hello there! Let's just get into this:

I haven't edited any of the chapters that I moved here (Chapters 66-81), including the (A/N)s, so they may be a little outdated. Please keep that in mind as you read. They're also rather bare of comments, since well... I couldn't move those. (Which sucks. You guys leave the best comments!)

I assume that if you're this far through, you know all my warnings, so I won't go over them.

Anyways, thank you for continuing to read this story ❤️


P.S. one last note: I am still dedicating chapters to people, I simply like waiting for the right chapter to dedicate! I'm also going to re-dedicate the chapters I moved to this book!

Turning the Tables [Shoto Todoroki X Reader] - PART 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant