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Alright, I said I was going to post an A/N, so here it is!

I have multiple topics to talk about here, so let's just get started.

1. This is the least important of the three, especially to everyone at this part of the book, but I still thought I should mention it: I will no longer be reading all my comments. I'll probably only read and reply to comments on my most recent chapters. Why? Well, the next point has a bit of an explanation...

2. I will be going on a break— that doesn't mean no updates, but it doesn't mean any either. I'll update as I please. I won't return to a regular(ish) update schedule until...

   i. I finish editing all of the chapters in the first part. It nearly physically hurts me thinking that people are reading those chapters— almost makes me sick to my stomach. Most chapters will be combined, and once I'm finished editing the numbering will be fixed.

   ii. I finish the short story I'm working on. Having that project out of the way will help me focus better on the plot of this story, since I've been putting a good deal of my effort into making the short story as close to perfect as I can (take that as you will). It will only be on my Ao3, so if you want to read it you'll have to head over there (it's linked at the bottom of my profile).

   iii. My mental health reaches a better place. This is part of the whole "I won't be reading all my comments" thing— some people don't seem to realize that I, the author, read their comments about my story. They don't seem to understand what "constructive criticism" is either. Many people do, and a lot of comments make me laugh. But I have a pretty bad habit of focusing on the negatives and it's starting to really affect me (I don't know if anyone could tell from my A/Ns...)

Another minor goal for the hiatus is to get As Black As My Soul up and running again, since school had crushed all my previous schedules for it.

3. And now, the final thing I wanted to talk about, that's been really bothering me. I didn't fully realize until recently, what was going on, but the "mature" rating really changes how easily accessible my story is to people under 16. I get that. That's fine. You can't find it on any of its tags? Alright, I get it. 

But... you are UNABLE to find this book, EVEN if you do a search for its exact name. 

What the hell.

I decided to check Wattpad's policies to see what they said they would do to your stories once they were labelled as "mature," and all I could find on the subject was that they would "make sure it reached the right readers" or whatever.

By making it nearly impossible to find???

I'm really debating keeping this story up on Wattpad now, since I'd be breaking the policy if this story wasn't rated "mature" (which I don't want to do), but I don't really get new readers if I mark it as such?

(Note: by this, I'm just talking about the age range that this book is for, since half of said age range wouldn't be able to find this book)

Anyways, I think I'm done on this A/N. If you read all the way through, I am super super grateful, it means a lot when people do ❤️

I hope you're all doing well 😊 Till next time, bai Marshmalløws!


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