Chapter 104: How peculiar...

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Behind us! I could sense him, and I was turning as I heard him declare, "I'll start with the long-distance fighters!"

As he disappeared into the ground again, I reached out, trying to use my quirk on him.

What's this? What's going on? The emotions... slip through him???

One by one, he was picking us off. I went down quickly too. I could dodge him, but his timing was so perfect that there was no way for me to land any form of hit.

However, my timing had been pretty good too— I knew he would be solid when he punched me, so as soon as the pain registered, I sent it straight back to him.

He faltered, and I could sense his confusion at the sensation, but he was still very quick at recovering, and retreating into the ground. No longer solid, the emotions I had sent him slipped away once more.

How peculiar...

Midoriya was also somewhat successful in dealing with Mirio, but in the end we all lost to him.

It makes sense... he's a third year. There must be a lot we can learn from him! Like what the hell his quirk is, for starters...

He let us recover somewhat —not that it was really necessary for me, I could the pain to the back of my mind— before pointing out, "I tried to make it so you would be able to see my willy, but I'm sorry about that, girls."

That will be in my memory forever. I'll never forget it... it will always be there in perfect detail... and I don't know how to feel about that. Weird. He's my upperclassman, and I don't really know anything about him. Other than that he can undo my quirk?

"But anyway, you kind of get it now, right?" He asked.

"We all just got punched in the stomach without ever really figuring out what was going on..." Midoriya groaned, clutching his stomach.

"Do you guys... want any help?" I cocked my head at Midoriya.

He waved me off halfheartedly, trembling.

Alright then...

"Did you think my quirk was strong?" Mirio asked us.

Is it...?

"It was too strong!" Sero yelled.

"That's not fair! Think about me, too!" Lamented Hagakure.

"You could slip through things and warp! Are you a hybrid like Todoroki or (L/N)?!" Mina demanded.

"Nope, I've only got one," Mirio replied coolly.

I nodded. "It was really odd... you were kind of... gliding through the ground? It didn't feel right."

He smiled widely in my direction. "That's right!"

"I know! I know what his quirk is," Hado called, her hand up in the air like she was waiting for the teacher to call on her. "Hey, hey, can I say it? Can I?"

She seems so excited about answering...!

"It's Permeation!" She smiled sweetly.

"Hado, it's Mirio's turn right now," Amajiki chastised listlessly.

"That's right! My quirk's Permeation," Mirio confirmed, "What you guys called a warp was, as you guessed, an application of that. Sorry about that."

"How exactly do you warp? (L/N) kind of explained it, but...?" Midoriya's curiosity about quirks had come out to play.

"If I activate my quirk through my entire body, then my body can go through everything. Everything. That means, the ground, too." He tapped his foot against the concrete floor.

Turning the Tables [Shoto Todoroki X Reader] - PART 2Where stories live. Discover now