(⚠️) Chapter 69: Don't do it! (⚠️)

Start from the beginning

I looked up to see a line of crimson dripping out of the edge of the girl's mouth. She did nothing to stop it, seeming to not even realize what was happening.

I could feel something sticky and warm on the side of my chin, but my efforts to wipe away the liquid were fruitless.

She moved on to the next glass, which was tall and thin with straight sides. It carried a white-ish liquid somewhat reminiscent of the outcome of mixing milk and water. It was translucent, and looked to have a fine powder floating in it.

She lifted the glass, not dropping it this time.

Nothing happened as she drank it, the milky liquid escaping out the corners of her mouth in rivulets of pink.

She placed the glass back down on the table, moving on to the next on.

This glass was square-ish, and had sides that curved out as it went up.

The liquid in this glass was viscous and a solid, vivid blue.

The blue liquid stuck to the sides of the glass as she rolled her wrist again.

She tilted both the glass and her head all the way back. The thick substance slowly poured into her mouth, and she swallowed. Again. And again.

Some of the liquid spilled down her chin and cheeks, oozing down the length of her neck and getting into the sides of her matted hair.

She waited until the last of it had dripped out before putting the glass down.

The burning of my mouth hadn't disappeared, but now it felt like it was covered in some sort of coating, with webby strands that caused my throat to close up and hindered my breathing.

It seemed to clog up my throat, and force my mouth to glue shut.

It felt hard to breathe, and I took breaths in short, sharp gasps.

A small voice told me that nothing was wrong, and that I could breathe just fine, but I couldn't stop the desperate reflex that caused me to panic.

Somehow, in my frantic state, I realized what was going on.

My voice was thick as I cried out. "N-no! Don't... don't do it!"

My voice seemed to echo in my own ears, the echo sounding different.

Even so, she still lifted the short, wide glass. A strong smell that I couldn't quite place filled my nostrils.

I met her glassed-over eyes —which I had been trying to avoid— my teary eyes boring into them.

She didn't even blink.

I was starting to feel jittery and on edge, and I could see that the girl in front of me seemed to be shaking.

She tipped her head too far back as she gulped down the black, oily-looking liquid, and the sharp taste of ink exploded on my tongue.

The ink ran down her face, disappearing into her hair and running right into one of her eyes.

I let out a shriek, rubbing erratically at my eye, which was screaming in pain. I couldn't see a thing out of it.

I stopped my attempt to soothe the pain as I saw the girl in front of me.

Black ink and red blood mixed together as they trailed down her cheek, eerily similar to tears. Her bloodshot eye had patches of black dripping down, with the blood almost completely obscuring her iris.

As I stared in horror, I failed to notice how the jittery feeling was amping up at an alarming rate.

My muscles felt as if they were contracting and relaxing uncontrollably, and I couldn't look away as her muscles spasmed.

Pinkish, greyish foam collected at the corners of her mouth, and she struggled against her constraints.

Panic set into my bones, and yet I was frozen in place.

She dropped the glass she was still holding, and it shattered against the other glasses. The remaining full glasses we tipped over, rolling off the edge of the table and shattering against the cold floor, their contents splattering and spilling.

As the girl continued to writhe, she began heaving.

The feeling caused me to double over and dry heave, stomach acid purged from my mouth dripping from my lips to the ground.

I could feel the liquids exiting her body, and could hear the wet, squelching noise of her heaving as her body continued its spasms.

I gained control of my reflex and looked up in time to see her jerk unnaturally a couple more times, before her eyes rolled back in her head.

The silence was deafening.

I stared for a couple more stunned seconds, before I finally comprehended what had just happened.

A jagged scream tore its way out of my throat, and I collapsed to the floor, letting out another anguished cry.

"Test Number 147 has been successfully completed." The monotone robotic voice droned.

There was a clanking of the doors behind me, and I was surrounded by white coats and face masks.

All I could do was scream, and scream, as they dragged my small body away from the girl who sat limply in the chair, with her face stained with ink, and with vomit and foamed spittle dripping down her chin.

The metal wires around her neck seemed to buzz as they closed the door, effectively shutting off all view of the room I had just been in.

But the real-life nightmare remained in my mind.

And I would never forget.

Now, this wasn't a "mandatory" chapter to read. It's just a flashback to give a you better idea of some of the things that (L/N) went through.

So, now my explanation.

In this particular episode, the injection she got caused her to lose control of her quirk. She ended up taking a lot from the girl in front of her (a calculated amount by the people experimenting). So, as the girl felt basically nothing, (L/N) —who was rather young at the time— felt everything that the girl was going through.

This is what started (L/N)'s fear of needles, since, after reliving the memory many, many times, she connected the injection to the experiment.

The wires around the girl's head interrupted her thoughts, muddling them and inplanting suggestions in her mind, like "Raise the glass."

Hopefully that helps.

Okay, explanation over.

I don't know how well I did here (especially with how well I wrote from a child's perspective) but I'm actually rather proud of this chapter (the writing, I mean).

I won't be on here for another week (TwT) but after that I'll be here for a week. I'm so sorry I keep disappearing.

Thank you to everyone for all your support! You guys are so nice UwU!

Anyways, I can't say "hope you enjoyed" Since that kinda awful, but till next time! Bai Marshmalløws!


P.S. I'm so sad Haikyuu's done T^T. Everyone says that the last chapter is sad, and now I'm scared to read it. Do they lose? Does someone get so badly injured that they can never play again? Does Hinata die? Or is it just sad because it's over?

Maybe at some point I'll post a quick thank you to Haikyuu...

(Sorry for this long A/N)

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