As far as it goes

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~Shoto POV~

Izuku wasn't around in the morning so I figured that he'd already go off to get rope like he said he would.

Katsuki and I were eating breakfast in overall silence until Yaomomo asked where Izuku was.

"He's in town buying rope for the performance today." Katsuki said before taking a bite of cereal, "'Guess he woke up super early."

maybe half an hour of sitting around later, we got up to start prepping for the performance and just getting ready for the festival in general.

Izuku didn't get back until a few minutes before the performance, being escorted by some teachers and looking like he was just in a fight.

I tried talking with him but he rushed off to the changing room before I could even get a word in and I don't think he even registered that I was there.

Luckily he was back in enough time to be in the performance but I was still wondering what took him so long and why he was all bloodied up.

The performance went really well and even some of the people who were complaining about us earlier gave praise, even though it wasn't said directly.

Katsuki and I eventually caught up with Izuku when he was handing a candy apple to the little girl that was with Togata. I think her name was Eri.

I'm going to be 100,000% honest here, this is as far as I watched the anime cus I'm pirating it and my site only goes this far, plus I've been really tired and sleeping all my free time away.

BUT, my school has updated to all online school, which is easier for me to complete so I have a lot more free time now.

So comment if you want anything and I'll wait to see if my pirating site updates soon.


-Nico (that's me)

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