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Todoroki POV

I got a call at maybe 3am from Takami saying that Fuyumi's in the hospital. I got up quickly waking up Katsuki in the process.

"What the fuck, Icy hot....." I groaned in the darkness.

"Where's Izuku?"


"Izuku's gone. Fuck, not right now."

I practically ran out the door before telling Katsuki to look for Izuku. I speed to the elevator and Katsuki slipped in just as the doors began to close.

"Alright, do you wanna tell me what the fuck is going on?" He said as I pressed the button for the first floor.

"Izuku's missing and my dad put my sister in the hospital."

"Like he drove her there?"


The rest of the elevator ride was in silence until the doors ding open and I practically ran out. I saw Izuku sitting with Tokoyami in the Dinning hall and Katsuki yelled over that my sister was in the hospital and we needed to go right now.

I pushed open the door and ran into the rain with two sets of footsteps echoing behind me.

After maybe three miles I heard an incredibly winded Izuku shout through the rain "SHOTO........ Slow down."

I came to a complete stop and so did Katsuki who also looked like he was ready to go back to sleep.

"Go ahead." I heard one of them mutter before a flash of lightning cut them off.

I ran about half way there until I realized I wasn't breathing and just called an Uber.

I called Izuku and asked where he was so I could get an Uber for them as well and he sent me his location.

I got to the hospital still sopping wet and walked up to the front desk and asked where Fuyumi was being treated.

Once I got too her room, I saw Takami sitting in a chair watching a sleeping Fuyumi. A heart monitor and one of those drip bag thingies was attached to her, along with a couple other things that I had no idea what they were.

Bandages covered a lot of the lower half of her face along with one eye, her arms and legs were covered in bandages and probably her torso too but thankfully she was wearing a gown and had a blanket.

"What... happened?" I asked Takami.

"Your bitch ass dad is what happened." He said with an intense amount of venom in his voice, "I can't even say I'm surprised that three of his kids have burn injuries."

I was silent for a moment before I realized that he said three.

"Wait... you know about Touya?"

"Fuyumi told me... and I may have met the guy..."


He shushed me before saying, "I know you don't believe Touya's dead but he's definitely not coming back so don't try to seek him out... He's not the same person he used to be."

I heard what sounded like a shoe clicking on the tiled floors before an eerily familiar voice chuckled, "Looks like he got her too."

Takami visibly tensed as the two of us looked over at the mysterious stranger.

It was Dabi, one of the people who stole Katsuki.

"What're you doing here, Dabi?" Takami said in an incredibly tense voice.

"What, am I not allowed to see my sister in the hospital?"

"How'd you even get in? Your face is almost always plastered all over the news."

"You'd be a amazed at how often people don't make sure the back door is shut."

Then Fuyumi began to sit up a little before laying back down and saying. "Oh gods, I'm not dead am I? I could've sworn I heard Touya."

"I'm glad to know you can still recognize my voice but fortunately, you're not dead."

She looked over at Dabi before the eye we could see went wide.


"Yep, I came to visit you sis." He said pulling a chair up beside her bed and accepted the hug she was trying to give him. Takami looked visibly uncomfortable and I could understand why. Didn't want to upset Fuyumi by taking her missing brother but also don't want a villain with a bounty on his head anywhere near her.

There was a soft tap of footsteps that approached the room until a nurse knocked on the door and came in.

The look on his face when he saw Dabi was a mix between "why is there a villain here?" And "HOLY FUCK THERES A VILLAIN HERE!!!"

"Uhm, Sec-" the nurse started to say out the door before Dabi stood up and patted him on the shoulder and said, "You don't wanna do that buddy." Then walking out.


Takami was the one to cut him off this time with, "Was there a villian? He's her missing brother and I'm assuming he just wanted to make sure she wasn't dead or anything."

The nurse took a deep breath before saying, "Alrighty then. I'm gonna assume you're her soul mate?" He pointed at Takami.


"And you're her brother or something?"


He pretty much checked up on her pain meds and made sure she wasn't dying before saying he was gonna get the doctor to come look at her eye before he stepped out of the room.

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