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Eventually after that whole incidence, Todoroki pulled both Kacchan and I up the stairs and into his room.

I glanced in the mirror on one of his walls and had to double take with all the marks running down my neck. I'd seen Todoroki and how marked up he was but damn, I was not expecting them to be that bad. Well at least I could give them one thing, they are aggressive. Kacchan only had a few hickeys but they were still painfully visible.

"Fuyumi's been showing me how to do this." Todoroki said as he pulled a small baggy with make up and a sponge in it, from under his bed.

He helped both Kacchan and I cover up the marks and ended up putting it all over my face and neck because my skin was darker than the make up. Todoroki gave me a sweatshirt to hide the color difference better.

It was a bit too big on me and was a complete blank, black sweatshirt, but it was surprisingly fluffy. Like fluffy dog, fluffy. I liked it.

Kacchan already had a sweatshirt on and I heard his phone buzz in his pocket.

After texting someone back he turned to me and said, "We're gonna have to go soon, Hag wants me home by 2:00."

I glanced over at Todoroki's clock to see that it was 10:04. We had time but we were across town from our houses and it would probably take us an hour or two to get back.

Once Kacchan and I said our goodbyes to Todoroki, we found our bikes surprisingly in the same spot we left them last night and rode into the city.

Kacchan stopped outside a Starbucks and I pulled up next to him.

"Hag usually doesn't let me get this stuff and I like their iced coffee." He said, almost embarrassed.

"Oh, I haven't ever had anything from here." I admitted.



"Ok, I'll get you something that I think you'll like."

We then walked in, I sat down at one of the two person tables by the door, while Kacchan went and ordered. There was already a couple people in line and I was just kinda looking around the decorations.

Before Kacchan got up to order, a girl, maybe a few years older than me, came and sat down across from me.

"Hey!" She greeted happily.

"Um, Hi?" I responded, confused as to why she was sitting at my table.

"You looked lonely, thought I'd keep you some company!" She said in her overly cheery voice.

"Oh, I, um-" She cut me off.

"So what're you doing here?" She asked.

"I was just getting a drink with-" She interrupted again

"Oh that's fun! What'd you get?"

"Well, uh..." just then I saw Kacchan approaching the table

"Who's this, Deku?" He said in his usual gruff and aggressive voice.

"Oh!" She took one look at Kacchan and stood up very quickly "I didn't know he was here with someone, sorry!"

Don't cause a scene. Don't cause a scene. Don't cause a scene. Don't cause a scene. Don't cause a scene. Don't cause a scene. Don't cause a scene. Don't cause a scene. Don't cause a scene. Don't cause a scene. I continually repeated in my head, praying that Kacchan wouldn't cause a scene.

Thankfully he did not and sat down across from me, looking grumpy.

"Our order should be out in a couple minutes, I'm buying." He told me.

"Alright." I said trying to be too nervous.

They eventually called for Bakugo to get the drinks and he got up to go get them.

Once he sat back down, he sat a foamy, light brown drink down in front of me that had chocolate drizzled over a large mound of whipped cream.

I took a hesitant sip and it was surprisingly good. I liked it and it was pretty sweet. Kacchan got a normal looking iced coffee and he seemed to really like it.

We chatted and joked around until eventually we finished and got back on our bikes to get home.

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