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When the two of us got down the stairs, Bakugo's mother had placed two plates down on the table with some breakfast food.

Bakugo's father was already seated and looked like he was almost done. He took one long sip of his drink before taking both the plate and the cup, washing them off, then setting them on the drying rack.

Bakugo started eating rather quickly and I started to do the same. It wasn't too difficult, the food was very good.

Bakugo's mom took a seat across from us, with her plate of food and asked the two of us, "So what'd you two do last night?" I stuffed another bite into my mouth, looking down to avoid eye contact. Bakugo then snapped, "Nothing!"

His mother then turned to me and said, "Todoroki dear, would you mind going and getting your stuff ready? I need to have a word with my son."

I looked over at Bakugo. He didn't meet my eyes, instead stared directly at his mother. I gave a nod and uncomfortably stepped up the stairs and into his room.

I did my best to pull of my old clothes, without touching the make up on my neck, and put on the clothes that I had packed.

It was a white T-shirt and a pair of black jeans. Grabbed my tooth brush out of my bag and went to go brush my teeth. Once I was finished, I put the still wet brush back into my bag and sat down at the foot of Bakugo's bed, before pulling out my phone.

I didn't have any urgent notifications, so just kinda messed around with some of the games I had downloaded. It did some to kill the time before Bakugo stomped up the stairs and into his room, practically slamming the door behind him.

He got ready without a word and looked pissed the entire time.

After he got ready he said, "My mom and I'll take you home at noon."

"Oh, ok. Are you ok?"

"Well obviously the fuck not."

We were silent for a minute before he said "She heard us last night."

That made my heart stop for a second until he said, "She's not mad, she just wanted to know." Which didn't help but at least I didn't have to worry about her yelling at me.

He probably noticed the nervous look that was more than likely plastered all over my face and said, "She's still gonna let you come over and won't say anything to your dad, but that part took a bit of convincing."

I looked over at the clock that read 11:24 and just then Bakugo's father cracked the door open and told us that it was time to go.

I grabbed my bag and the two of us descended down the stairs as his Mother lead us out to the car, where the two of us sat in the back with her in the front.

We drove in silence for the ride and when we pulled up to the house, Bakugo got out with me.

Once I knocked on the door my sister, Fuyumi, opened it and welcomed me inside. I said go by to Bakugo and he was on his way.

Once I was inside my sister said, "What happened to your neck?"


"Whatever concealer you used, it's is not your color. Now tell me, what happened?"

"Nothing happened." I lied. She obviously didn't by it because she then pulled me into her room before grabbing one of her make up wipes.

I tried to back away and leave saying that this wasn't necessary but she wasn't having it.

She held me in place as she used the wipe to remove the make up from my neck and she gasped.

Then relaxed a bit, saying "I thought those were like hitting bruises."

She then looked up at me and said, "Damn dude, my little brother has a boyfriend before me." A mischievous look on her face.

"He is NOT my boyfriend."

"Bull shit."

"He's not."

"Did he give you those?" She said, gesturing to my neck.

"Yeah." I said quietly.

"He's your boyfriend."

I sighed and said, "Please don't tell dad."

"I didn't plan on it." She said "I could help you hide them if you wanted."

I nodded and she then pulled a few shades of concealer out of her bag, took the makeup wipe and wiped off the previous make up from my neck before finding the color that she decided matched me best and put it on another one of those foam sponge thingies.

After her handy work, I looked in the mirror to see, what looked like what my neck usually looks like when it doesn't have several hickeys down it.

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