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I'm writing this because it's fluffy and I need something to distract me from scratching my arm or neck off so,
here we go.

Once we got there, Kacchan immediately pulled us up the stairs, barely leaving Mitsuki any time to say anything.

Once the three of us were inside the incredibly dark room, Kacchan flicked on the lights and instead of the lamp turning on, a string of fairy lights illuminated a large pillow fort with a blanket roof that looked like it was nailed into the ceiling. The lights were strung around the inside of the fort and around an the edges of the entrance.

Inside there was a large plate of homemade Snickerdoodle cookies that Kacchan knew were my favorite, along with three cups of hot cocoa

I looked at Kacchan with a huge smile on my face and once we made eye contact, I tackled him into a hug.

At first he was just yelling at me to let him go but after I thanked him he quickly shut up.

The three of us sat down in the comfortable pillow fort and started eating and talking. Honestly, it was really fun.

At first I honestly couldn't believe that Kacchan did all of this for us, but I'm really glad that he did. For one, the Snickerdoodles were really good and so was the hot Cocoa. Plus cuddling in a pillow fort is, scientifically speaking, 100x better than regular cuddles.

The only time we separated was when I had the idea to play Uno and Kacchan kept looking at my cards so after the first game, I sat across from the two of them.

Kacchan won a couple games but I managed to win most and Todoroki didn't win any. After a couple games he whispered, "This game is rigged." While putting down the first card of the next game.

Eventually we decided to stop and cuddled together and Todoroki recommended we watch Coraline. Which I had never seen before, but I've heard that it's creepy.

Todoroki sat leaning on Kacchan and I wrapped my arms around Kacchan's torso. He put his arm around me and the other around Todoroki. Todoroki held my hand while using the other hand to hold Kacchan's.

At different points in the movie I would cling tighter to Kacchan and he keep a reassuring arm around me.

I ended up falling asleep there and when I woke up again, Todoroki was asleep on Kacchan's shoulder and Kacchan was playing on his phone.

The TV had long since been turned off and when I went to stretch out my back that had been hunched over for an uncomfortable amount of time, Kacchan looked over at me and said,

"Thought you'd be passed out for the rest of the night."

I yawned and repositioned myself so my head was resting in his lap.

"Damn nerd." He whispered to me while stroking my hair.

I quickly fell asleep again and stayed asleep for the entire night.

(Sorry for such a short chapter)

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