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~Izuku, in the nurse's office.
They wouldn't let him leave~

I was sitting on a school equivalent of a hospital bed and was told I wasn't allowed to leave the nurse's office until my mom came to pick me up.

Recovery Girl was furious with both All Might and I. She was mad at me for being an idiot and breaking all my bones and mad at All Might for not teaching me better. She then left the room saying she had other patients to take care of and she'd be back afterwards.

All Might and I sat around for a minute but he had too leave to hand out metals to the victors.

The TV was on and I got to see who won.

In third place was Tokoyami, looking content with his placement. In second Todoroki stood, looking tired and half dazed. In first was an unsettling Kacchan. He didn't look happy about winning, or angry. He look horrified.

He kept glancing at Todoroki, so I assumed that something happened in the fight between them.

When All Might went to put the gold metal on him he didn't take it and eventually he ended up yelling at All Might that he didn't want it. All Might looked confused and tried to give it to him, but he wasn't taking it. Eventually he just laid it down at Kacchan's feet.

Eventually the program ended and I sat in silence for several minutes before the door clicked open.

At first I thought it was my mom coming to pick me up, but as soon as I saw his candy-cane colored hair, I knew it was Todoroki.

Our eyes met as he entered the room with a tired looking Recovery Girl following him in and sitting at her desk.

He sat down beside me, his face unreadable as always, and we sat in silence for a couple minutes before he said

"Bakugo went home the moment he was allowed too." He snickered and asked "Did you see what happened?"

I shook my head and he told me up to the point he blacked out. Damn, I guess Kacchan wasn't kidding when he said he wouldn't take it easy on us if it came down to it.

"Are you sure you're ok?" I asked after a couple seconds of silence.

"Yeah, Recovery Girl fixed a fracture in my arm but that was the only serious damage."

"And you better be grateful!" She jokingly half shouted from her desk, making both of us snicker.

I leaned back into the bed and Todoroki came and pulled up a seat beside me. We made eye contact, I smiled at him and he gave a small smile back.

I then asked "Do you know why he was so shaken up afterwards?

"Hm?" He responded.

"Kacchan, after you two fought."

"I'm not actually too sure. He said that he'd go all out and he did but, like I said, I don't remember all of it. Something might've happened after I blanked."

"Guess we'll just have to wait until we see him again."

He nodded and eventually Recovery Girl told him that he had to leave because school was ending. He reluctantly left and I waited for my mom to pick me up.

She picked me up about an hour later, apologizing for how long it took. I didn't really mind, it gave me more time to think before I had to recount what happened to her. Which is exactly what happened on the short car ride home.

Once we got up to the apartment I flopped down on my bed, wincing as I did so and grabbed my phone from my pocket with my better hand.

I messaged Kacchan asking if he wanted to talk about what happened. I learned pretty quickly that he didn't like being asked if he was ok when he obviously wasn't.

He eventually messaged me back at 2am, I was obviously up because duh. He said that he didn't wanna talk about it and he would eventually, he just said later and with todoroki there.

With that I set my phone over on the side table and tried to sleep. This proved to be a much more difficult feat than anticipated.

Soulmates (TodoBakuDeku) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora