Bus ride

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~Bakugo POV~

Fuck, first Deku and now IcyHot edge lord? How could they ever be my soul mate? Aren't soul mates suppose to get along?!? Stupid Deku started avoiding me after the damn fist bump bull shit and now I'm soul mates with someone I've never had a conversation with? What the fuck?

After All Might beat the shit out of that villain and the class was allowed to get back on the bus, I was the first one on.

I sat at the back, taking the window seat and tried to ignore anyone who tried to talk to me, but of course IcyHot had to sit with me. 'Guess I could get to know him... I mean if we're gonna be soul mates might as well not damn myself to dying alone.

"What're you doing here IcyHot?" I said, wow, way to introduce yourself dumbass.

"IcyHot?" He almost chuckled but seemed to catch himself just before he did. Alright, hiding emotions, nice to fucking know.

"Never mind." I said looking out the window.

He seemed to leave me alone but after spacing out I caught his reflection in the glass. I had to admit, he was attractive. I mean who wouldn't be? Nice hair, good jawline, muscular build. He was the stereotype for an attractive man.

Then I realized I'd been fucking staring at him long enough for him to stare back.

"Is there something you'd like to say?" He said with the same stone expression on his face. I scoffed and looked away again.

But of course found myself looking at him again. The pattern that came from our first contact on his forearms was a bit of a fascinating one. Spirals and swirls rippling across his muscular arms. The one on my fist was basically a couple strips of color, that matched directly with Deku's.

Deku was sitting with that Kirby girl and Sonic. I'm not sure what they were talking about but Deku didn't seem to be apart of it. In fact he was looking at Todoroki. I then realized that he was staring at the same place I was...his forearms. Shit, he had to've noticed. That half-and-half bastard wasn't making any effort to hide it at all. Ugh people were probably fucking gossiping already. 'Guess I can only hope they're not fucking observant enough to notice mine too.

As soon as I fucking think that, I hear a slightly muffled gasp from the bubblegum alien and a shush come from tape elbows. I glare over at them and Pikachu looks fucking giddy. Of course.

He calls over Shitty hair and gestures over at us. Kirishima then looks like he's about to yell something and Pikachu slaps his hand over his mouth before he could say anything. Kirishima looks panicked, blood rushing to his face before Kami could pull his hand away.

When he eventually did pull his hand away, he takes a panicked look at Kirishima's face before his face gets arguably redder than his. He looked down at his own hand and then proceeded to completely freak along with Shitty hair.

Aizawa sensei evidently notices and walks over to were they were sitting, takes one look at Kiri's face and Kami's hand before sighing and sitting back down.

"Well that's ironic" Todoroki said

"Which part?" I asked in return

"Two soul mates from one class on the same day the class got attacked."

"Heh, yeah."

He then made eye contact with me and I understood why Deku kept staring at him.

His eyes have an ethereal sort of beauty to them that I couldn't quite place. The one on his left was an electric blue, acting as a direct contrast from the red hair and scar. The other was a snowy sort of gray, calm and serene, like a storm cloud (snow cloud?).Plus, the shape fit his face well and added to his "Mysterious" persona.

I cleared my throat and eventually said "Well are we gonna get to talking or are we just gonna stare at each other for the next 15 minutes?" That earned me a nose-exhale from him, guess that's the closest thing I'm gonna get to hearing him laugh for now.

We did get to talking and from that whole conversation I got 3 things.

1) He has a strained relationship with his parents
2) He's a good listener
3) He was most definitely Deku's Second soul mate

Soulmates (TodoBakuDeku) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora