Izukus feels

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~Midoriya POV~

Once I got on the bus and sat down next to Iida and Ururaka, I immediately noticed Todoroki's forearms. They were covered in rainbow swirls. At first I thought that his soul mate might've been one of the villains he'd encountered, but then I noticed Kacchan. The under sides of his arms were just barely visible but the small bit of pattern I did see matched Todoroki's directly.

"Called it." I said under my breath but evidently Mina heard me.

"What?" She said before looking where I was looking and gasping before I could attempt to stop her. She started slapping Sero's shoulder and gesturing towards Kacchan.

Just as he looked up, Sero shushed Mina and Kaminari had picked up on what had happened and whispered over to Kirishima, who looked like he was about to say something about it before Kaminari slapped his hand over Kiri's mouth. Kirishima's face reddened to the color of his hair as Kaminari pulled his hand away. Both of them then proceeded to loose their minds. Aizawa Sensei eventually came over, sighed, and sat back down.

After the initial panic, Mina eventually said "What were you gonna say, Kiri?" Kirishima responded with "Well, I was gonna say that BakuBro literally fell for him, cus he slipped on Todoroki's ice and he caught him."

Mina laughed and then said "Wait... did you see what happened?"

He said yeah and she immediately demanded to know the details. Kirishima then began to recant what had happened, as more and more people began to listen in.

"Huh, guess he literally did fall for him." Kami joked.

"Well I think it's kinda ironic." Tsuyu said. She was sitting across the aisle from Kirishima, directly in front of Kacchan and Todoroki.

"What do you mean?" Mina asked

"Well, on the same day that the class was attacked, two people found their soul mates."

"Huh, guess that is kinda ironic."

Kacchan and Todoroki talked for the rest of the bus ride and really seemed to enjoy each others company. At first I was glad the Kacchan seemed to be haveing a genuine conversation with someone that didn't seem to piss him off to badly, but eventually it made me sad. Why couldn't we have that? Why'd he have to start pushing me away? Why'd he have to hate me?

Eventually the bus came to a stop and as each of us got off the bus they had Recovery Girl check us over for any major wounds.

Once we were all off the bus Todoroki approached me and said, "Hey, are you feeling okay?" To which I responded with "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"It's just that you looked upset."

"Oh, it's nothing, just thinking about stuff."

He didn't look convinced but he left it be and said "So, if we're both Bakugo's soul mates, does that mean we'd both date him?"

"I don't really know. I doubt he'd want me as his soul mate anyway."

Todoroki only nodded, maybe out of pity but I couldn't really tell.

After that Aizawa Sensei walked us back to the class room before the last bell rang for the day to get our stuff.

I was going to go walk with Todoroki, like we normally do but Kacchan was already there. Disappointed, I began to walk out by myself.

Once I'd gotten out the gate, I expected Tsuyu to walk on the other side of the road like she normally does but this time she stood next to me as we walked.

"Hey." I said

"Hey," she responded with her frog-like lisp "How're you holding up?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're soulmates with Bakugo, right?"

I nodded

"I was just wondering if you were okay." She said sincerely.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. He didn't want me as a soulmate anyway." I said as calmly as I could but I could hear my voice wavering. I felt tears begin to prick my eyes. Tsuyu seemed to notice and said,

"I'm sorry, you really liked him didn't you."

I nodded as the tears began to well up threatening to fall. She stopped and held out her arms, saying "Do you need a hug?"

I nodded again and quickly embraced her as she wrapped her arms around me. We stood like that for maybe a minute before I wiped off my face and said "Thanks Tsuyu."

"Tsu, but you're welcome."

We talked the entire way back to my home before we parted ways, seeming to avoid the topic of soul marks all together.

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