Deer Secrets

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heyyyyyy sorry that this chapter took so long, I've been really busy with school work and family issues have come up.
High school is definitely trying to kill me again.

Anyway, time for some deer man development

~Izuku POV~
(Trigger warning, extreme pain and  descriptions of blood)

The night before the festival had quite possibly one of my worst dreams yet.

I planned to get rope early in the morning, which meant I had to get to bed earlier so I wouldn't be exhausted for the performance.

It was around 9:45 pm when I fell asleep suspiciously fast and was thrown into the dark gray space.

Purple tendrils slithered out of the ground at my feet and all pointed in one direction, directly behind me.

I heard a loud clicking sound before large jaws snapped over my shoulder. And just like that I was plunged into complete darkness, wrenched in pain. I tried my best not to scream but my voice was muted anyway by a loud beat of wings.

Large birds, with red wings and long tail feathers, fluttered over head like a tornado of feathers. They quickly began diving down at me like I was their prey and I felt razor sharp feathers leave cuts and nics all over my already damaged body.

Blood poured out of my shoulder from the bite and streamed down from each cut that littered my body.

Unlike in the past, this pain was very, very real. I felt myself grow lightheaded as the feathers sliced deeper into my skin. My breath was quickly dropping and my heart pounded against my rib cage.

And then everything disappeared.

Darkness engulfed me as the stinging pain slowly began to subside and I slowly managed to open my eyes.

When I did I saw nothing but the empty gray space again, Before I heard the ear piercing screech come from near by. At first I thought the birds were back and I immediately curled up into a ball with my arms protecting my head before I hear a very raspy and very familiar voice scream out my name.

I looked around frantically before I could pin point where the noise came from.

The Deer Man lay crawling across the floor, one clawed hand reaching out towards me desperately.

Behind him I could see a scene of a dark room and a couple people, that I couldn't recognize, trying to pull the Deer Man back towards them.

"Please just....... take my hand!" He begged as his voice was shriveling up. Without thinking I grabbed his hand and yanked him forward, pulling him just far enough and the scene behind him disappearing.

He laid on the stiff, gray floor, his weird backwards knees hunched up to his chest as he shook violently.

"Uhhh.... Mr. Deer Man? Are you ok?" I asked, extremely lost.

"They were going to kill me. After he was taken away, I became useless."

"Um...... excuse me?"

"I was scared...." his shivering slowly calming down.

"I... don't understand, what were they doing?"

He didn't answer.

"Can you tell me?"

He slowly sat up before taking a long, shaky breath and sighing.

"You know what All Might fought at the USJ building and those creatures who attacked the city when you fought Stain?"

"The Nomu?"

"That's me."

"What?! How?!" I half shouted, "You're all sentient and I thought we took out All For One?!"

I was so taken aback I almost didn't believe him. This creature was refined and pristine, with slickly black fur, razor sharp teeth, delicately long and serrated claws sat at the ends of each fingertip, with perfectly formed deer legs supporting his rather thin frame, and piercing eyes that sent shivers.

Nothing like the disturbing image of the Nomu, that gave off the impression of a puppet with enough raw power to decimate a city.

This Deer man was harsh and you could see intelligence behind his frightening, white eyes. They had such opposing energies I didn't want to believe him at all.

"Oh you did, that doesn't mean some of his underlings aren't still around, though rather unsuccessful without OFA or his successor Shigaraki Tomura."

"What? Why are you even telling me this?!"

"Who are you gonna tell? Your teachers?"

"I might!"

"Oh really, a Dream Deer Nomu came to your dreams and told you all the secrets of OFA's legacy. Yeah, real believable."

I pouted a bit before asking, "So.... you've already been combined with other peoples quirks?"

"Do we really have to talk about this?"


"No we don't."

And suddenly I was jerked awake by the sound of my alarm.

Without thinking, I threw on my clothes before running down to the main school building to request to go off campus for some supplies.

They gave me the permit and I sped down to the department store, when I saw an uncomfortably familiar man with a small woman walking out of a small café.

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