Minor sneak out

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Aizawa sensei announced that we would be having a festival with the rest of the school and that we needed to come up with a idea for what the class would be doing.

Iida and Momo took over from there and sensei huddled up in his sleeping bag again. They started off with asking the class to make a list of the thing we wanted to do and eventually we narrowed it down to a couple options.

After that the day went on as usual and I went back to the dorms after school. Kaminari managed convinced Jirou to be in the school festival as the lead singer. We were all getting pretty exited about that and Kacchan even agreed to be the drummer.

Eventually I went up to my dorm room to finish homework and felt pretty tired so I tried to go to sleep.

I woke up to a pitch black room, with the slightest bit of shadows accented by moon light.

And that's when I noticed Shoto standing maybe a meter away from my bed.

I practically jumped out of my skin and almost screamed before he quickly put his hand over my mouth and said, "Hey, sorry, I should've knocked."

"What're you even doing here?" I asked, thoroughly awake.

"Katsuki and I were going to sneak out and walk around campus, we wanted to know if you wanted to come too."

"I... guess? What do you mean sneak out?"

"We're not even suppose to leave our rooms after 10:00, it would technically be sneaking out if we left the dorm building and we aren't even going to try getting through the defense things."

"If you and Kacchan are going, then I'll probably come too." I said, getting out of bed and putting on my red tennis shoes.

The two of us walked down to the elevator and took it down to the first floor, where Kacchan was waiting for us.

"Damn, what took you so long icy hot?" He said as soon as he noticed us.

"Izuku was asleep." Sho responded before the three of us crept through the large door to the dorm and just started walking around and talking.

I was pretty skittish, half expecting Aizawa Sensei to jump out of the bushes and strangle me for leaving the dorms. But Shoto kept reassuring me that the teachers aren't awake right now and even if they were, they weren't leaving their rooms.

He started talking about other times that he's snuck out and talking about it seemed to make him happy. His slight smile of probably amusement was sweet enough to make my heart melt.

The conversations then ranged from All Might to Shoto's family trauma. I knew that Endeavors house had burned down, not long after after the trial that gave legal custody to Fuyumi and Hawks.

I also knew that Endeavor was suspected of starting the fire himself but Sho was pretty convinced that he didn't.

"He might be awful but he's not crazy enough to burn the house down." Shoto said before talking about how his brother probably burned it down.

I thought his brother had an ice quirk? Unless he's talking about the one who's presumed dead? Sho never told us his name or what his quirk was but how would he have burned the entire house down, completely undetected? It would've had to have been at least 10 years since he's been inside the house...

"His name was Touya." Shoto commented and I assumed I started muttering again, "He 'ran off' when we were really young and didn't hear from him at all, so he was presumed dead. Looks like we were wrong."

"Have you seen him or something?" Kacchan asked

"I suppose you could say that." Sho responded almost sounding bitter.

We continued walking around and talking for maybe the next two hours before we eventually walked back to the dorm.

I was pretty tired and so was Kacchan. Sho ended up inviting us up to his room and the three of us fell asleep on top of each other.

My dream were eerily quiet and it felt like nothing happened except for the sky shifting patterns like the eyes of a hypno-Toad.

I watched the sky until I woke up. It was around 4 in the morning so I went back to sleep, in between Sho and Kacchan and was asleep until 30 minutes before class.

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