Custody and House Fire

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Over the next couple weeks and maybe months a court trial was being held against Enji for what he did to Fuyumi. We decided against bringing me in this because the only "proof" we had that he'd ever done anything to me would had been the scar over my eye but that was technically caused by my mother.

Fuyumi, having an ice quirk, is sensitive to heat because her body's designed to resist freezing not burning. Making her burns significantly worse and more difficult to heal.

The court ended up ruling in Fuyumi's favor, thank gods, and Enji was going to go to jail for 10 years but, of course, one of his hero friends bailed him out. Which Takami was more than pissed about.

His hero license was revoked and he'd have to through the whole licensing process which was really just an inconvenience but he still has enough money to never work again so he might not even have to get a job after this. Thankfully Enji largely went without a fight, which was a surprise to everyone.

The final part of the trial was custody of me, which you'd think would go smoothly because my options for family too go to was A convicted child abuser, my mom who's in a Psych ward for freezer burning half my face, my wanted criminal brother, my other brother who's a college student, and my Sister who practically raised me since mom was sent away and her boyfriend who lives in a penthouse with an excellent income and now the #1 hero since Enji's gone.

I did get to go with Fuyumi and Takami though, which is amazing and I was allowed to continue going to UA. Takami also gave me permission to call him Keigo since we're technically family now.

I also recently learned that Fuyumi, Natsuo, and I are the only ones that know Keigo's actual name. He wouldn't tell us why but he just said not to mention it to people.

I got my room set up at Keigo's over the weekend, with the help of Katsuki and Izuku, and it's probably a good thing that I got my stuff when we did because it was reported on the news that Enji's house burned down.

Weather the bastard did it himself or someone else did it, wasn't specified but knowing him he damn well might've.

"Well that's some wicked timing, we got you all moved in before it burned down." Keigo said jokingly.

Not long after all this happened, a few students started taking up internships with hero agencies. First years were discouraged from applying but a couple of people from my class applied anyway, Izuku included.

Katsuki and I were more worried about training for the next Hero License Exam. Which pretty much entailed waking up early on the weekends and going out to this training facility.

For the most part Katsuki and I would be pretty tired by the end of the day but so would Izuku, from running around the city doing whatever Sir Nighteye had him and Togata doing. Our dates were pretty much cuddling and falling asleep together and some nights I noticed how much tighter Izuku would cling to Katsuki and I.

Dabi POV
(OoOo Villain POV)
(Just before Hawks and Shoto got his stuff from Enji's house aka before it was burned)

"Awwwee Come ooooonnnnnn Crispy, we've been watching this house for like an hoooouurrrrrrrrr!" Toga wined while flipping her knife from hand to hand, "They're not going back for anything, if you're gonna burn it down, get on with iiiiiiiiiit! Plus it's already started raining again and it's getting my hair wet!"

I just sighed and ignored her, there's no way Shoto isn't going back for at least his clothes and I don't wanna force him to buy all new shit. Plus Fuyumi still has things from Mom in there.

We waited for maybe another 20 minutes before I saw Hawks' car pull up into the drive way. Enji let them in and they went back and forth with boxes for maybe 30 minutes before they pulled away.

Enji was sitting on his front porch moping. I didn't feel bad, the bastard deserves worse, which I suppose was why I was there in the first place.

Toga and I slipped out from our hiding spot and into the blind spot in the cameras that I remember sneaking out through.

"Ooohhhhh, well now I'm really soaaaaked!" Toga continued to whine. Crusty wouldn't let me leave unless I took someone with me and Toga's the least unbearable out of all of them, aside from Magne who was already out with one of her girl friends.

"Why'd you even wanna come out heeerrrreeeee?!"

"I'm gonna burn some shit down."

"Ooooo Fun, need me to break anything?"

"Nah but I'm not gonna stop you"

I lit a small fire in my hand that still held the same blue hue that I could never get to cool down.

I dragged my hand across the wooden porch and across the side of the house until I made a full ring around the house. Toga had run off somewhere and, judging by the sounds of breaking glass, she was kicking his windows in.

Eventually Toga skipped down to the sidewalk where I was standing holding a pack of unopened hotdogs and blood trailing down her leg and staining her white socks.

"I found HotDogs!" She happily shouted over the flames grown higher. "Can I cook them on the house fire?"

Did didn't wait for me to respond and skipped closer to the house before I picked her up and dragged her back to the sidewalk.

"You're not gonna be able to cook those without burning yourself, dipshit." I scolded

She just pouted and asked me to cook them for her and me being no stranger to cooking food without a legit means to cook them with, agreed before holding them between my hands for maybe 20 seconds.

"YESSSSS, Thank you Dabi, you're the best!" She said as she practically tackled me.

Enji finally ran out of the house remarkably unscathed. I'm not sure if he's just unbothered or suicidal but I thought he'd be out a lot sooner than he was.

I heard sirens blearing in the distance and I muttered "Let's go." as Toga and I sprinted down to a near alleyway and followed them back to the new hideout.

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