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For a while after that, I didn't dream and when it started again, it wasn't as horrendous as they were before. Some of them would be scarier and others would be just trippy.

It soon came time for us to go out to the training place that Aizawa was talking about.

We all got into the large bus rather quickly and everyone seemed incredibly excited. Ururaka and Tsu sat behind Iida and I, Kacchan sat a couple seats a head of us with Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero were there to pester him.

Todoroki sat behind Kacchan and after a few minutes of being on the bus, he was out like a light.

He really does sleep a lot. I thought to myself.

Iida and I quickly got to talking about generally random topics and eventually Iida began talking about a dream he had once. He didn't really seem like the type to be invested in his dreams, but he seemed to know every little detail about them.

He asked me about my dreams and I hesitantly admitting to the awful nightmares I'd been having. He asked me if I was comfortable sharing and I told him about the one with the monster with huge horns that told me something cryptic beneath a tree.

He looked me dead in the eyes before saying, "I'm not an expert on things like that, but from what I've read, that sounds like a Wendigo."

"A what?"

"It's an old Native American monster that's known for eating people and messing with their minds."

He didn't look too concerned, I take it he wasn't really one to believe in the supernatural.

"Weird... I've never heard of them before."

"Well, you might've without realizing it. Maybe a piece of art or an article about them that got your mind to manifest it."


Just then the bus pulled over to a location seemingly in the middle of nowhere.

(Everything is the same as before with the trip
This takes place right after Bakugo is kidnapped)


It was all I could do.

I almost managed to leap through the closing portal, but Todoroki was there to stop me.

He clung onto my struggling body and after be begging him to let me go, he practically screamed


A pause

"Stop. Please."

I felt warm tears hit my shoulder.

"I can't loose you too." He whispered.

I stopped struggling and by now the portal was long closed. Todoroki was the only thing keeping me upright as I felt my own tears slip down my face.

The image of Kacchan from my dream kept replaying in my head until the both of us were sobbing on the ground.

The ambulances came and got the injured students, including myself.

I continued to sob for the entire ride to the hospital.

~Todoroki POV~

I sat on the ground with my knees pulled up to my chest and my head in my hands.

Not only was Katsuki kidnapped by the Villains, Izuku's arms were practically destroyed again and who knows how long it would take to heal properly. Who knows how much damage he did to himself or how much could be healed.

And who knows what's happening to Katsuki.

I couldn't even cry anymore, I was shaking harder than I had in a long time, and I was so worried. Dear gods, let them be ok.

Kirishima came and sat down next to me.

I could still hear the murmurs of the rest of the classes. I heard whispers of pity and ones of frustration.

I heard people talking about the injured people, Izuku being mentioned a lot, along with Katsuki, who was the only one missing, and Me.

I hated that I was included in their conversations. Their pity only sat like a weighted blanket over my already weak shoulders, I didn't need them to be gossiping now.

I could feel anger begin to boil up in my throat, but then I noticed Kirishima. His silent tears slipped past his face as he stared off into the distant black sky. Kaminari sat next to him, looking as calm and somber as I've ever seen him.

This wasn't the time to get angry. Not now.

Kirishima must've noticed me looking at him because he turned to look at me and when he did, the quiet tears broke down into sobs as he quickly threw his arms around me.

I wasn't all too sure on how to react so I just hugged him back and eventually I felt the tears that refused to fall a moment ago flood back over my eyes. Kaminari was leaning against him. Not crying, but looked so empty inside that it was almost worse.

~Midoriya POV~
(The next day)

Both of my arms were completely casted in a thick wrap.

My worried thoughts could only drift to Kacchan.

Soulmates (TodoBakuDeku) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora