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I was floating out it empty space for what felt like eternity until I saw the unmistakable pin prick eyes of the dear monster, once again.

It swam toward me through the darkness and seemed to place its hooves down on solid ground and the entire scene changed.

The void bended and curved until it was a gray-purple sky, marked with black clouds. There was suddenly ground beneath me.

Snow covered the icy land with tall pine trees and hills.

The creature sat beneath one of the these trees and invited me to sit with them like we had once before.

Several beats of silence before they said, "Do not worry about Hell incarnate."

A long pause

"The flower is burned but he shall freeze over soon and your prince will be freed."

"Are you talking about Shoto?" I asked before the creature smirked and disappeared.

I was alone again so I decided to stand up but immediately felt uneasy.

I walked at first but I was eventually at a dead sprint trying to escape.

The land suddenly dropped out below me, into a large and icy lake. I looked up at the shore line and attempted to swim up before a long tendril wrapped around my ankle.

I was pulled down into the inky water until all I could see was black.

And I woke up.

I was on the ground in the dark room, being pinned down by what I thought was a monster at first but soon realize it was dark shadow.

"Dark shadow? What're you doing here? I thought you were attached to Tokoyami?"

"He is." I head a voice in the darkness say. A purple lamp was flicked on before Tokoyami said, "What the hell are you doing in my room, Midoriya?"

"I.... don't know."

Takami (Hawks) POV

I was on my way home from work when a huge thunderstorm started pouring rain and I didn't feel like getting electrocuted today so I walked the rest of the way back.

On my way back, I passed the Todoroki household and, seeing as Endeavors car wasn't in the drive way, I decided to pay Fuyumi a visit.

I walked around the side of the house until I got to Fuyumi's window, it was unsurprisingly closed but I did notice a window a that was.

I took a few steps back before running and snapping my wing out in enough time to flap them once and get in through the window. I was soaked and the room was pretty stuffy but it seemed nice like the rest of the house.

That I realized that this was Shoto's room.

I stood up and shook some of the water out of my feathers and my hair before looking around. The most noticeable aspect of the room would have to be the scorch marks that burned through the mats and some spots of the wood, along with the ceiling.

There was ice over a majority of the ice so I made the assumption that Shoto probably got pissed about something and human torched himself, like Endeavor does when he's pissed, but freaked out when he caught the room on fire and put it out with the ice.

At least that's what I was hoping for.

I think some part of me knew it wasn't that simple, I just didn't want to admit it at the time but after stepping out of the room and seeing similar scorch marks covered in ice leading down the hallway, the stairs, and into the kitchen forced me to realize the cruel reality.

I saw Fuyumi laying on the kitchen floor, harsh burn marks etching across her face in the same jagged motion that I'd seen come from the Villains who Endeavor fought, though fortunately, she's still alive.

"...Keigo?" I heard her small voice mutter as the thunder and lightning continued to rumble outside.

"...The storm sounds beautiful right now..."

I rushed over too her, careful not to touch the burns, I held her close to me. I could hear her breathing begin to calm as I held her and eventually I heard her muffled sobs ringing throughout the empty house as the thunder and lightning crashed overhead.

"I'm going to take you too the hospital, ok?" I whispered too her.

"Ok....." I heard her voice trail off into the sound of rain.

I put my jacket over her head and shoulders so the wind wouldn't hurt her burns worse.

"It's gonna get loud in a minute, I'll give you my headphones so you don't go deaf like I almost did." I said before putting my headphones over her ears.

That wasn't the real reason of course, I wasn't gonna go that fast and risk giving her wind burn as well. I just wanted to make sure she wasn't over whelmed.

I creaked the front door open before taking flight. I flew I low as I could to avoid getting struck by lightning on the way to the hospital.

Why didn't I call an ambulance? Simple reason, I was faster. I could fly across streets with low buildings and I could keep a steady pace of 65 kph.

I got to the ER in about ten minutes and flew in straight through the sliding glass doors, almost hitting my head in the process and scaring one of the patients half to death.

The Nurses were pretty pissed about my entrance until they saw severity of Fuyumi's burns.

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