Search Party of Two

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~Bakugo POV~

After calling Todoroki a few times in the morning, I decided that I'd call Deku and go searching for him. I told Deku to bring his bike because we might be going a long way and it would've been faster than just walking.

Deku and I met up at a Café in town and soon after that we began searching around for any sign of him. The only sign was a cross walk that was covered in a layer ice. It could've been somebody else, but I doubted it, seeing as I've never seen another Ice user outside of Todoroki family.

Eventually after a couple hours of searching, we found the Todoroki household. A large, two story, old Japanese style house sat in a roughly suburban area.

Knowing how paranoid Endeavor was with everything, I wouldn't have been surprised if there were cameras in every room of the house, along with a complete view of the area.

Frankly two teens, rolling up on their bikes to one of the most known families in Japan, was a bit sketchy, but I wasn't about to let that stop me. I could only pray that Endeavor wasn't home.

We left our bikes at the curb and walked up to the front door, I was obviously walking in front because Deku was too afraid to ring the doorbell himself.

We waited maybe 30 seconds of just holding our breath until the click of the door opening to a confused looking guy, who only looked a few years older than us.

He had snow white hair and grey eyes that reminded me of Todoroki's right side.

"Uh, can I help you?" He said groggily

"Yeah, is Todoroki home?"

"Shoto, Todoroki?" Deku chimed in behind me.

"Oh, yeah. He got back this morning. Are you two the soulmates that 'Dad's been on about since I came to visit?"

"Yeah." I said with a bit of an edge creeping into my voice.

"You guys are lucky," He yawned, "Dad left maybe 30 minutes ago, so you can see Shoto if you wanna."

We stepped into house and removed our shoes. Deku thanked the man and he said that his room was on the second floor, end of the hall, on the right.

After a few minutes of searching the maze of a house, we finally found his room.

Deku was the one to crack the door open and pop his head inside, before opening the door all the way to reveal both of us.

"What're you guys doing here?" Todoroki said, shocked.

"Well I don't exactly trust your 'Dad' to keep you safe. Plus, you weren't answering our calls and we were worried you got lost or hurt." I said as calmly as I could in that moment.

"We're so glad you're ok, Todoroki!" Deku said, wrapping him in a hug that I was soon encouraged to join.

After we'd pulled apart and were now talking on the floor of his bedroom, the door clicked open once again and a white haired girl, with streaks of red, turquoise blue eyes, and glasses was on the other side.

"Oh, Shoto, when did they arrive?" She asked with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

I remember Todoroki saying something about the fact that Endeavor insisted that she say there for a while.

"A couple minutes ago actually, I think Natsuo let them in."

"Cool Cool." She said fidgeting with her hands a bit. "Dad isn't going to be back until the morning, something about a big Villain bust."

She paused for a second before adding "Takami should be out for a while as well, but he said he's coming to visit once he's finished for the day."

"Alight." Todoroki said and they waved to each other.

"Who's Takami?" Deku whisper yelled over to Todoroki.

"Her boyfriend." He whispered back

"Ohhhhhhh." Deku responded, still whispering

"You guys are dorks." I chuckled, getting a small laugh out of them.

We continued to talk until we heard a small thump come from a couple rooms down. It was significantly later, maybe 5pm? Both Deku and I texted our parents to tell them we'd be out late.

Todoroki didn't pay the noise any reaction but both Deku and I definitely heard it.

"What was that?" Deku asked

"Hm? Oh, that's probably just Takami." Todoroki said nonchalantly.

"What?" I asked, more than a little confused.

"Oh, Takami, is Hawks and-"

Both of us cut him off with "WHAT!"

"Shhh!" He said quickly putting a finger over his lips.

"Sorry." Deku said quietly.

"It's fine, but he usually comes in through Fuyumi's window."

"And Fuyumi's your sister?" Deku asked


We sat in silence for a couple seconds before Todoroki said, "You know what? I'm hungry, I'm gonna make some Cold Soba, you guys wanna come?"

The two of us obviously agreed and we headed downstairs into the kitchen.

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