Icy Spicy

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~Todoroki POV~

Bakugo certainly made an effort to try to be nicer to Midoriya. They didn't talk to each other at first, but thankfully they began to warm up to each other. Midoriya was starting to get less nervous about starting the conversation and Bakugo was blowing up on him less. He still did it occasionally though which didn't help anybody, but at least he was trying.

Along with getting to know Midoriya better, Bakugo was also getting more protective of me. He was always wanting to be around me, which I didn't mind but it would need some getting used to.

Eventually he wanted to spend some time together after school. He proposed that we stay over at my house, I obviously declined and said that it'd be better if we  went over to his place. The Flaming Garbage might have forbidden me from hanging out with Midoriya but he hasn't said shit about Bakugo.

I messaged Flaming Garbage and asked to stay the night with a friend and after his obnoxious array of questions, he let me go.

Bakugo's mother said it was fine and we were on our way for waiting until the week ended.

When it eventually did, I walked to Bakugo house with him after school.

Once we got there he unlocked the door and we were immediately greeted by his mother who took one look at me and said "Katsuki, if you had told me you were bringing your boyfriend over I would've let you guys have the house to your self."

He then shouted, "Shut up, hag!"

"Oh, quit being such an asshole!" She retorted. Well now I know where Bakugo got his sour attitude from.

I thanked her for allowing me to come over and Bakugo practically dragged me up the stairs,  into his room.

It was significantly cleaner than I'd expected from him. I expected a least some sort of clutter but it was relatively minimalistic and anything that was out had a place where it was neatly situated into its spot. His bed was neatly made and if there was any mess in his room it was neatly tucked away, out of sight.

"Hey Icy Spicy, you gonna keep gawking or you gonna sit down."

Ok that one actually did make me laugh. Like the kind of laugh that starts off like a little giggle or something but eventually works it's way up to you dying on the floor.

I tried to regain my composure but every time I did, I'd look back up at that stupid face he was making and start wheezing all over again. I tried to stop before I got to the point of coughing but it beat me to it.

"It wasn't that funny."

"Yes it was."

"Seriously? Icy Spicy is what gets to you?"

"I don't know either."

He snickered and then I noticed the slight blush that had crept up his face. I think that's the first time I'd made him blush.

He then said "Well are you gonna sit down or what?"

I sat down next to him on the bed, sitting at a comfortable 2 centimeters apart, he proposed that we play a card game. I agreed and we ended up playing a solid 3 hours of Slap Jack, which got surprisingly competitive. Bakugo won the first 2 rounds, but I won the rest of the time. 

Eventually his mother called us down for dinner and Bakugo and I sat next to each other, his parents sitting across from us.

The food was amazing, even though I had no idea what it was. Bakugo and his mother got into a slight argument but looking at the lack of reaction from his father, I think this was normal.

Eventually his mother addressed me and said, "Todoroki, it's nice to finally meet you. Katsuki here never shuts up about you." Earning a huff from Bakugo as he seemed to have been embarrassed.

I smiled and eventually Bakugo excused us and we walked back up to his room.

"Ugh, she never shuts the fuck up does she?" He muttered to himself. I decided to poke fun at him and asked,

"So what have you said about me?"

This earned a hard blush from him as he shouted "NOTHING!"

"Ah, really that bad?"


"Oh? Then what is it?" I said, significantly more sadistic than I meant.

"Nothing." He muttered again.

I decided to let it go and sat down his bed. He sat down next to me and put his head on my shoulder, the biggest display of affection I've gotten from him.

I took his hand in mine and we sat there in comfortable silence, wanting to do more, but too nervous to act, until Bakugo sighed and grabbed my face, before pulling me into a kiss.

I was taken aback but started to kiss back after a few seconds. It slowly got more and more heated as Bakugo slipped his tongue into my half open mouth.

His body inching forward to the point where he was on my lap. He put his hands under my shirt and on my waist as the kiss somehow got more passionate and heated.

He eventually pulled away for air and I sat there dazed. Of all the things, I was not expecting that from him. I thought that I'd be the one to have to kiss him, seeing his Tsundere like nature. Guess not.

(A/N: Please comment!

If you wanna see them get more heated please let me know! I wanna be sure not to go too far with this.)

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