Deer talk

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"So the Nerd hasn't come out yet?" Katsuki growled in his usual, irritated voice.

"No and I haven't heard anything."

After we found that weird disk in Izuku's hair, he's locked himself in his room. That was at 7pm, now it's midnight and we can't get Izuku to answer his phone or the door.

Katsuki and I moved to the Dinning Hall and told Izuku to meet us down here whenever he can. At some point Katsuki put his ear buds in and was probably listening to music or podcasts or something. I decided not to ask but at one point, Tsu walked into the hall quietly and didn't even look at us, until I said hello and she practically jumped out of her skin.

"H-Hey Todoroki." She waved before grabbing two cups of blue jello from the fridge and speed walked back to the elevator. Katsuki didn't even look up, so he was either spaced out, listening to really loud music (or whatever he was listening too), or he'd fallen asleep.

At maybe 2am, Izuku finally came down to meet us.

Thankfully Katsuki wasn't asleep because we probably couldn't get him awake if he was. Izuku was carrying one of his notebooks that he carries around all the time but I didn't recognize this one. It was the same type of note book as his Hero Analysis books but this one had a purple cover instead of a white one.

The little "Name and Title" square on the front was set up just like his Hero Analysis books except it said Dream Counseling on the title.

"Start a new notebook, nerd?" Katsuki asked from his chair.

"Yeah, the lady who's helping me with the dreams recommended I start one." He almost laughed at himself before saying, "I actually meant to leave this in my room."

"It's probably a good thing that you brought it," I stated in my usual monotone voice, "I wanted to ask about the disk thing and you mentioned something about a Dream after Katsuki did."

He opened his book and flipped a couple pages in before setting it down in front of me. On the page there was an incredibly detailed drawing of a tall, bipedal, deer-like creature with a mouth that stretched passed its jaws. It had matted fur, huge antlers, sharp teeth(like Kirishima's), and serrated claws jutting out from its hands. It's eyes were sharp but life less, like looking into the fixed eyes of a corps.

The longer I stared at it, the dizzier I felt. The room was practically spinning as my head pounded before Izuku pulled the book away and asked, "Are you ok, Shoto?"

The spinning slowed down and I could refocus my eyes again before I said that I was ok and he put the book down. I avoided looking directly at the drawing this time and looked at the points made about it.

-Has shrunken down to a smaller form (with an arrow pointing to a silhouette of a chibi character with horns that doubled its hight)
-Can change the location of my dreams
-Is present in almost all my dreams
-Seems to direct my dreams
-Talks in metaphors (with an arrow pointing over to another text box by the drawing)
-predicting the future?????

At the bottom of the page was the little disk that I cut my hand on, taped on all four corners to the page.

"'Do not worry about hell incarnate?', the hells this edgy shit supposed to mean?" Katsuki said from over my shoulder. I guess he gets grumpier when he's tired.

"I actually think that's talking about Endeavor." Izuku said as he pointed to small text in parentheses that said (Endeavor?)

"The edgy bitch did call his quirk hell flame, I guess."

"Yeah but I think the more important part is what comes next."

"'The flower is burned but he shall freeze over soon and your prince will be freed'? What's that supposed to mean?"

"I think 'the flower' is Fuyumi, 'he' could be
Endeavor, and I think the 'prince' is Shoto."

"Why do I have to be the prince?" I muttered from between them.

"The deer as spoken Sho." Izuku giggled.

We spent the rest of the night talking about the deer creature, thing and ended up not sleeping, unfortunately we had class the next day, fortunately I do this all the time and it doesn't really bother me anymore, unfortunately Izuku doesn't that often and Katsuki does even less.

I thought Aizawa was gonna cut Katsuki's head off when he snapped at him for waking him up.

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