A Queen and her Prince Part 2

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Klaus POV:

If she was right I knew where he was, the only place from our human days that still existed were the caves we used to take shelter in whenever we hid from the werewolves.

The memory of me and Henrik comes flooding back but I don't have time for guilt right now, there is one brother I can still save.

Arriving where I knew them to be, I ran around but saw no sign of access so I got to work digging.

I was about tail deep when the ground below me caved in.

After recovering from my rough landing I set off in search of Elijah, if he was here I was damn sure going to find him.

Turning another corner I came across a drop-off, I tried to peer into the abyss but it was too dark. I would have to jump in blindly.


What the fuck did I just fall on?

I get up and am able to just make out the form of a fallen coffin I managed to knock over mid-fall.

She was right, he's here.

3rd Person POV:

Rebekah had been driving around trying to think of locations that might have seemed familiar to Finn when a wolf darts in front of her car, she swerves and just misses him.

"Klaus?" She asks and realizes where Finn might have stashed him.

She gets back on the road and races over to the Lockwood Property.

Getting out of the car she sees where the ground has fallen into the caves below.

She drops in and starts exploring the tunnels eventually coming up against a barrier,

"What the hell?"

Klaus is back and runs up behind her dropping a possum and 2 rabbits down by her feet before jumping through the barrier keeping out any vampires.

With his strong teeth, Klaus grabs Elijah by one of his ankles and drags him over to Rebekah,

He tries to jump out of the hole with Elijah but he's too heavy, he keeps trying knowing Rebekah won't be able to get through the barrier and he can't take the dagger out or Elijah might be trapped there.

Finally, he is able to jump with Elijah's now mangled leg enough for Rebekah to grab onto his shoe. She pulls Elijah far enough beyond the barrier to grab onto his calf and leverages his body out of the hole.

Klaus jumps up out after them as Rebekah is by Elijah and is taking out the dagger trying to shove a dead animal in his mouth so the blood can revive him.

She finishes squeezing the third animal and finally, Elijah's arm shoots up and rips the carcass away from him.

His eyes open and he stiffly sits up.

"Lavender," he manages to croak his throat still dry,

"She's alright," Rebekah tells him, "She's in labor though, and it's a month early."

Elijah stands and tries to race off but Rebekah stops him, "she's in the hospital you need to feed more than what Klaus managed to snare for you,"

Elijah looks down to the wolf and gives Rebekah a confused stare, "It's a long story," she tells him,

"I'll find someone on the way I need to get to her,"

"Then take my car," she says giving him the keys.

Elijah POV:

My torment has ended but it seems Lavender's has just begun, I need to get to her.

A Dangerous Desire- Elijah x OCWhere stories live. Discover now