Puppy Love

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Vee POV:

Was I really going to do this? I mean I did agree to the deal... what can I say after being kidnapped, I really wanted to see my mom. And I did, I got to see her and my dad, my brother... Vicki. It was brief and I couldn't talk to them or hug them but it was what I asked for.

I knew I wouldn't be able to let people die, if I let happen what I agreed to let happen, especially not Jenna she didn't deserve that, maybe Jules deserved it a little bit but I didn't like being responsible for people's deaths no matter how much I didn't like them, I would have to figure out a balance... a way to keep my word but also still be able to look at myself in the mirror once this was all done.

There was a knock on my door.

Matt: "Hey, you should come out here, your gonna want to see this."

Great, now what?

I got up and went into the living room...

Kelly: "Vicki, honey... I know I haven't always been the best mom, but I wanted to try and show you that I really do love you."

Vee: "Oooh kay,"

Kelly moved and behind her was a dog.

Vee: "You got me a dog?"

Kelly: "Yes! I know you always wanted one, and I always said no, they were too expensive and too much work, but I know you can handle it and more importantly you deserve it, so here you go honey."

The dog barked and got my attention I knelt down... I knew I was being bought off, Kelly wasn't exactly subtle. But honestly, he was super cute, and I don't know it might be nice to have one uncomplicated relationship in this world, even if it is with a dog. So I decided to go with it.

I stood up and gave Kelly a hug, I figured also if Vicki could be good to my parents I should try more with hers.

Vee: "Thanks mom." I could tell that affected Kelly and she hugged me tighter, looking behind her I saw Matt's face... he was happy, this was good. Maybe the four of us could be a family.

Matt: "so, what are we gonna name her?"

I was tempted to suggest Esther but that would have been an insult to the dog.

Vee: "hmm, what about Honey? She did bark after mom said it plus she's kind of a similar color."

Kelly: "Well, Honey it is."

The dog barked again and seemed to agree with us causing us all to laugh.

Later that day I decided to stop by and see Jeremy, I felt a little guilty I basically attacked and threatened him the other day.

He answered the door, not looking very pleased to see me.

Jeremy: "Here to mess with my life in ways I can't imagine? Is that a dog?"

Vee: "I found out what happened to Vicki, and I'll tell you but you have to swear to NEVER tell Matt about me. And yes, this is Honey she's a gift from Kelly."

Jeremy: "Lucky you, What makes you think I would trust anything you had to say?"

Vee: "Fine I'll go," I don't even make it past the last step off the porch before he stops me,

Jeremy: "Wait! Fine, I promise just tell me what happened to her."

Vee: "Come on let's go for a walk."

The two of us walked a bit in uncomfortable silence before I decided just to get to it.

Vee: "So someone came to see me last night, a old... dead, very powerful witch."

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