Worth it

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Vee POV:

I called Mason to let him know I had the blood, he was waiting at the house when I got home.

"I can't believe you did this, I don't even know what to say,"

"I'm pregnant," I blurt out surprising him

"Uh, wow okay."

"It's yours Mason," I say spelling it out for him.

He looks skeptical and breathes in as if to start talking again but I cut him, "and don't you dare ask me if I'm sure... not after everything I just risked to get that for you."

He expells his breath and nods going to sit down, "I'm not really sure what to do with this," he tells me.

I roll my eyes, "yeah me neither."

"Well isn't it kinda up to you, I mean if you want to keep it or whatever."

"I'm keeping it," I tell him and he swallows nervously.

"Can I see it?" he asks

"It's still early, I don't have a scan picture or-"

"No, I mean the blood," he corrects me,

I scoff, "yeah, here,"

I hand over the handkerchief

We sit in awkward silence for a bit before he nervously clears his throat, "Look Vick, I don't know what I'm supposed to say, can we just put a pin in this, for now, I should go update Tyler, contact Genevieve..."

"Yeah, yeah sure." 

I sat there after he left for a while, Matt came home and I ended up telling him as well, getting it over with.

He was shocked and wanted to know what my plan was and how this would affect school.

I didn't magically have all these answers just because I was knocked up, honestly I just really needed to get drunk, I was halfway back to the Grill before remembering I couldn't drink. I ended up sitting in a small park near the town center, just feeling sorry for myself.

"What's up with you?" I look up to see Damon studying me.

I start cry laughing and quickly snotting up

"Wow, uh, this seems more like a Stefan situation, I'll just give him a call," he tells me clearly uncomfortable with all my emotions,

before he gets a call off I tell him I'm pregnant.

"This isn't some twilight scenario is it?" he asks causing me to start laughing again,

"Relax it's not yours,"

he gives me an exaggerated phew and I roll my eyes and elbow him.

"So do we need Maury Povitic and a DNA test or do you know who's it is?"

I sigh, "It's Mason's."

"I knew you shot me," He tells me almost like he just won a bet with himself.

"How do you arrive at that conclusion from the information?"

"Please, I have Mason chained up and get shot in the head twice after you warn me off him and then bam 2 months later you're carrying his child, who the hell else would have done it."

I shake my head, "Okay yes it was me, I'm sorry."

"Eh, I've done a few violent and impulsive things on occasion, let's just call it even,"

"Who are you and what have you done with Damon Salvatore?"

He gives me an incredulous look, "really 90s teen comedy lines?"

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