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A/N: For those who want to know Vee is now 6 Months along in her pregnancy.

March (2 moons since the New Year)

3rd Person POV:

Rebekah storms into Lavender's bakery mumbling something about "those bloody bastards"

"Rebekah?" Vee asks surprised to see her in the bakery because of Matt.

"They signed over their house to the latest Petrova whore!" This gets quite a few customers' attention

"Care to discuss this in the back?" Vee suggests pointedly

Rebekah rolls her eyes and stomps past Vee to the kitchen where they can have a bit of privacy.

"You can't just come in here and start shouting like that," Vee says reprimanding the 1,000 year old original

Rebekah takes a somewhat threatening step towards Vee not liking how she is being spoken to, "I think you've confused me for one of those tweens you have working for you,"

"I am barely holding it together Rebekah, so yea I know who I'm talking to I just don't give a fuck."

Rebekah smiles, "I wish Matt would forgive you, something tells me we could be great friends."

Vee rolls her eyes, "I'm flattered, so what happened?"

Rebekah's smiles drops as she remembers why she stormed over here in the first place,

"I no longer have a place to live, the Salvatore's have made their house vampire proof."

"I'm surprised they haven't done that sooner," Vee mumbles as she goes over to check on something in one of the ovens.

"I'm sorry, am I boring you with my problems?"

"Rebekah you're an all-powerful vampire, just compel yourself another mansion, this isn't a real problem,"

"It's a nuisance,"

"Yes well put on your big girl panties and just deal with it."

Rebekah huffs, "will you be there tonight?" she asks changing the subject

"Yeah, I'm gonna close up an hour early and drive over, are you ready?" Vee asks

"Ready for what?"

"Klaus has been stuck in wolf form this whole time, it's probably the only time in... ever you've been out of your coffin but still 100% answerable to no one but yourself. You ready to have an overbearing psychotic big brother again?" 

"As a matter of fact, I'm looking forward to it." Rebekah answers before grabbing a strawberry off the cooktop bench and sashaying out of the kitchen.

"I'll bet." Vee mutter drolly after Rebekah has left.

Later that night:

As the full moon rose Klaus transformed behind the boarding house back into a man, Caroline couldn't help but have a little peak, he was an impressive specimen. 

Klaus stretches his arms over his head, "Ah, that's a bit better,"

"Yeah, fantastic. Now can you please clothe yourself?" Damon asks throwing him a pair of jeans,

"Feeling a bit inadequate mate?"

"I'm perfectly secure with what I'm packing just trying to keep this show moving,"

Klaus smirks, "well by all means, carry on,"

Bonnie comes forward and hands him the ring they had made and he places it on his middle finger,

"How do we know if it worked?"

Bonnie shrugs, "wait to see if you transform or not when the moon sets."

Klaus is not happy with the wait and see strategy, "and if you've failed?"

Vee steps forward now, "then we try again. Klaus you should prepare yourself... the witch that was responsible for the moon ring was from New Orleans, now we don't know for sure if she was among those who attacked you with your mother but if she was I'm sure she would have made provisions so the curse wasn't foiled by her own previous spell."

"You're just telling me this now!" Klaus exclaims very unhappy with the idiots he has responsible for his life,

"Use this time, call other witches you trust, try to find another solution, in front of you is a human, another pregnant human, a very young witch, one original who has been in a box for 90 years, one 8 month old vampire and two 150 years old vamps, we're not exactly the A-team,"

"Speak for yourself," Damon says slightly offended

"We've done the best we can, but you're welcomed to try to do better," Vee finishes saying to Klaus.

"Trust me I will."

Klaus storms away from the group just as Enzo has strolled in late,

"What'd I miss?"

Klaus POV:

It was going to work... it had to. Still, it wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion, Vee was right putting my trust in this ridiculous 2nd rate scooby gang had been foolish of me. My mother was obviously making plans to move against me and had already landed her first blow but she would not land another.

A/N: Sorry for the short update, I have another chapter coming soon (later today or tomorrow) 

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