Highway to Hell

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3rd Person POV:

Damon and Enzo are in Damon's Camaro

"I'm on the high way to hell, on the highway to hell, highway to h-"

Damon: "Must you sing along?"

Enzo: "Yes, I have about 50 years of music to catch up on mate."

Damon: "We're not mates, not when you locked me up for months and worse STOLE MY CAR!"

Enzo: "Im so sorry  you had to endure a few months in the naughty corner, a prolonged time-out and sans torture I might add... however did you cope??"

Damon: "Still holding a grudge I see..."

Enzo: "Oh you mean how you left me to burn trapped in a cage, no I'm completely over it... bygones and all."

Damon: "Great!"

Enzo gives a hard glare to Damon, letting him know nothing has been forgotten or forgiven but Damon just rolls his eyes.

Enzo: "So, can't help but notice the lack of sociopath leaking from your pores... is it safe to say someone's switched got flicked back on?"

Damon: "More like the dimmer got  brighter, why so interested? I said I'd help find Vee and I will, don't exactly need to be John Mayer to save a damsel last time I checked."

Enzo: "Just curious what got you to turn it back on"

Damon: "Boredom, hate, sexual frustration... take your pick."

Enzo: "Ah didn't like being locked up without me, were you having naughty dreams of me?"

Damon: "Don't flatter yourself, just tell me what I need to know. What the hell happened?"

Enzo: "Im not sure, got a call from Lexi asking for my help, she and Stefan weren't having much luck. It was like she just vanished, there was no big bad in town, nothing out of place... just a half written letter to you."

Damon: "So I'm not really being sprung, this is a transfer for interrogation."

Enzo: "Relax we ruled you out... but if there was one letter there most likely was others, she might have told you something unwittingly that could help us figure out what happened."

Damon: "Well far be it for me to suggest the obvious but why hasn't Bon Bon just done a locator spell."

Enzo: "It seems Victoria has been keeping a few secrets herself, she couldn't use Matt's blood... apparently they aren't truly related."

Damon stayed silent, this was evidence Vee was telling the truth that she wasn't from here... or that her Mom was a giant slut who had 2 different baby daddies... the last was more probable but for some reason he was staring to believe what Victoria had told him in her letters.

Damon: "What about using something that belongs to her... a bracelet or something?"

Enzo: "Doesn't seem she has owned anything for long enough for it to be connected to her." And yet more signs, Damon thought.

Damon: "So do we have any kind of plan on how to get her back?"

Enzo: "We're still working on it."

Damon: "So no."

Victoria POV:

So being abducted sucks... in case anyone was wondering. I was weak, achy, and miserable. I so wished I had asked someone to turn me when I had the chance being a vampire would be super handy right about now. I guess I was worried if I did make the transition I would be signing on to this reality permanently... not that it matters anymore because I'm surely going to die here.

"You should have just let things play out the way they were supposed to." My captor says,

"Sorry but negligent homicide isn't really my thing." I sass back.

"Wanna know what my thing is?"

"Is it asking redundant questions that no one cares what the answers to are?" I don't even know why I am being so bristly... boredom maybe... certainly wasn't self preservation.

"Listen bitch, I want my sister back and to do that I need an original which means I need you to keep your big mouth shut and to stop interfering."

"She's not brainwashed or being held captive... nothing you do will bring her back home to you and your father, Luka."

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