Rubix Sphere

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Slight rewind to when Matt walked out of the bakery the night before:

3rd Person POV:

Matt walks across the street and pulls out his phone to dial Rebekah. As the call goes through he hears her ring nearby.

She steps out from behind a tree, "Sorry curiosity got the best of me."

"It's fine, so I'm guessing you were able to hear all that from out here?"

Rebekah nods, "yeah."

Matt is clenching his jaw tightly but he's unable to remain stoic any longer as the tears build up in his eyes.

Rebekah seeing him break immediately rushes over to him and wraps him in a hug,

"I didn't even notice," he admits, the guilt and shame tearing him up inside.

3 days later (finally the day of the sacrifice has arrived)

Matt and Rebekah walk into Lavender's and see a new girl behind the counter

"Where's Vee?" Matt asks

"Oh, hi! Your Matt right, I'm a year below you in school. Ms. Donovan hired me the other day to help out as she takes a step back getting ready for the baby. Its actually a really easy job she's still doing all the baking all I have to do is hand people a cupcake when they ask and take their money," she says chirpily.

"That's um... that's great," Matt says trying to care enough to at least appear nice, but honestly it was a struggle.

"So is she upstairs?"

"Oh yeah, go on up she told me she was expecting you."

Matt nods, "thanks."

Matt and Rebekah climb the stairs and arrive at the apartment upon knocking on the door they are surprised to see Damon be the one to answer it.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Rebekah asks not pleased to see the younger vampire's face.

"Nice to see you too vampire barbie, I'm here to be referee."

Matt shakes his head, "no, no way I don't trust you."

Vee steps into view and explains that Damon is just there to make sure Rebekah doesn't make her do anything or forget anything and this is strictly about gathering information.

After Agreeing to Damon's presence they are let into the apartment,

Rebekah takes a seat in front of Vee,

"Alright let's start off with an easy one, who are you really?"

Vee's eyes contract and she robotically answers, "Lavender Victoria Ellis,"

"Where is Vickie Donovan?"

Vee takes a breath before answering, "It's complicated but essentially forward."

Matt and Rebekah share a confused look,

"What the bloody hell does that mean?"

Vee explains that before Elijah dismissed the Martins after dealing with the original witch he forced them to discover everything they could about what his mother did and share the information with Vee as a sort of offer of amends for what they had done to her.

"Think of the earth as a round Rubix Cube and half of it has been turned forward. We're in the bottom half. The timeline around the supernatural has been reset by 7 years as we move forward in time and if I'm successful in my task then eventually we will catch up to the first half and the two timelines will merge again. Vickie is in the top half, she's... forward."

"Well that's a mind fuck," Damon comments

Matt explodes "so what I have to wait 6 more years to see my sister again, will she remember me, will she be 6 years older... or more, I mean what what the hell even is your task?"

"That's too much to ask her all once, pick one question," Rebekah instructs

"Just ask her what her task is."

Rebekah does and Vee explains about everything that was destroyed in the original timeline

"So essentially we have to make sure Hell doesn't blow up, keep the otherside intact, not let anyone out of their prison worlds... whatever the hell those are, keep a bunch of vampire souls from body jumping out of a stone, make sure the beast never comes to be as well as make sure the Hollow is never resurrected" Matt takes a deep breath, "and then time will be able to fall back in sync again?"

"I believe so." Vee responds,

"You believe so?" Matt asks not happy with her response,

"I didn't do this Matt, I didn't ask for this, and the one who worked alongside the ancestors to put this in motion now has no memory of it either. So yes, I believe so is the best I can do."

"What can I do?"

Vee is confused at first, "You want to help?"

"I don't trust you to do even one of those things let alone all of them, so yes I'm helping."

"Probably best to leave this to the big boys," Damon pipes in having zero confidence in the quarterback's abilities.

"I'll help too," Rebekah offers

Vee nods in acceptance, "Let's just get through tonight first, and then we'll come up with a plan."

"Fair enough," Rebekah says standing up from her seat, "come on let's get your boxes down to my car," she tells Matt and after a few trips the two leave for good.

Damon saunters in front of Vee "please tell me you're not actually stupid enough to put your trust into dumb and dumber down there"

"what would you have me do?" Vee asks.

"Make up a meaningless low stakes task to occupy them while Stefan, Enzo, Bonnie, and I do all the real work, hell if your so determined to have a human tag along I'll even let Teach join in on the fun."

"I can't think about this right now, its too much, its all just too much."

A Dangerous Desire- Elijah x OCDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora