Something's Different

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I woke up in a classroom as if I had just nodded off in a daydream. I didn't recognize anyone around me. Not knowing what to do I ran when the bell rang instead of going to my next class I was quickly trying to find the exit.

Suddenly I saw someone I recognized... it was Nina Dobrev... she was in the school's hallway! I looked around to see if anyone was seeing what I was but instead ended up seeing someone else familiar, Candice King. What the hell was going on? I needed to get some air, finally spotting the exit I hurry outside to catch my breath and try to figure out what is happening. Instead, I see the sign for Mystic Falls High School, was this a dream? It had to be right? 

Why can't I remember anything before waking up... I know I was a college student and that I know this place from a TV show but I don't remember what I was doing before waking up here, not even getting into bed and falling asleep.

Alright, I need to calm down, it's just a dream... it's probably a studio class day and I fell asleep on break that's all, I'll wake up soon and everything will make sense again. I should just enjoy what's happening right? Like at first sight of Ian Somerhalder walk straight up to him and drop to my knees, that would make for a hell of a dream.

I hear "Hey, Vick... Vicki," but I don't pay too much attention to the nagging voice until suddenly someone grabs my arm, I turn around to see that McQueen guy who plays Jeremy Gilbert,

"Hey Vicki, are you alright?" he asks again and I realize he's talking to me.

Oh holy fuck, did I wake up as Vicki Donovan from the Vampire diaries? That sucks, one of my least favorite characters, on the plus side I guess this dream isn't going to last very long.

I realize Jeremy is still staring at me concerned, crap better play along,

"Fine, Jeremy, thanks... just a little out of it today."

He nods a bit unsure but the second bell rings and he jogs away to get to class.

What the hell do I do now? First figure out what episode this is, my hand reaches up to my neck, nothing... so I guess I haven't been attacked by Damon yet, it must be the pilot. I try to remember everything that happens to Vicki episode one, doesn't Tyler try to force himself on her in the woods and then Damon nearly kills her? Damn that girl just couldn't catch a break. Wait I'm that girl now... did I mention how much this sucks? Well, I'm not gonna go along with being assaulted sexually or physically, If I'm here I'm gonna make sure things go a little differently.

I walked back into the school and found the girls' locker room, I needed a moment to pull myself together and maybe wash the stoner out of my hair. Looking in the mirror I'm confused because I don't look anything like the actress who plays Vicki Donovan, I'm myself but improved. 

My hair is more luxurious and longer, my waist is smaller and my stomach flatter and my boobs are definitely bigger if anything I think I look like I could actually pass for Melinda Clarke's daughter. I get in the shower and about 40 minutes later I'm no longer smelling like a joint. I managed to jimmy open some lockers and put together an outfit, just jeans and a t-shirt, but better than the clothes I woke up in. I also find a phone, it's a sidekick reminding me I'm not just in a tv show but also in 2010... 2009, I forget when this show started. I open the calendar, yup September 10, 2009. 

Okay now, what? I open maps and see where Mystic Grill is to the school, If I'm here I better familiarize myself with how to get around. Crap what about my house? I haven't seen Matt yet, how do I get home without making it obvious I don't know where I live?

Maybe I can find Jeremy again and ask if he'll walk me, he must know, right? He was practically Vicki's stalker season 1... well for as long as Vicki lasted in season 1.

I decide to make my way over to the Grill and wait for everyone there, I check the time and it's only 11 am, dammit it might be a while. I pull out my phone and study google maps until I'm pretty sure I've located the Salvatore Boarding House, Stefan is busy at school making eyes at Elena and Damon's not supposed to show up until later, this could be my chance to make sure I don't end up compelled.

I walk over there, the town isn't very big and thankfully it only takes me 35 minutes. I knock on the door and finally, Zach opens it.

"Can I help you?" he asks already sounding annoyed with me.

"Yeah, hi, I'm Vicki Donov-"

"I know who you are," he says cutting me off "shouldn't you be in school?"

"Right, small town. And yes, that's true I should but umm see I had this dream, more like a nightmare, I was attacked by a vampire..." I see his eyes get large, "I know I sound crazy but I swear I'm not on anything... today. Something just told me you might be able to help?"

"What makes you think I can help?" he asks.

This is taking too long so I drop the act a bit,

"Maybe it has to do with the grow house you have in your basement, and not growing the kind of plants that have usually been my focus... in the past. so... are you gonna help me protect myself from this vampire or not?"

"You know?"

"I know enough," I tell him  "I think I need help, it feels like something is different around here lately... more dangerous, please Zach." 

He sighs and nods his head showing me in and downstairs. He gives me a couple of bundles of Vervain and tells me "not to go looking for trouble."

"Wouldn't dream of it," I say throwing him a wink.

With that, I leave and head back over to the Grill.

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