The Martins

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Luka POV:

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Luka POV:

I didn't love holding someone hostage but ever since we were successful in contacting our ancestors for guidance they communicated there was a witch on the other side.... the original witch. She told us the only way to get Greta back was to help Elijah kill Klaus, and the largest obstacle to that was going to be a human teenage girl. 

We weren't overly cruel, she was fed and allowed to alleviate her bladder twice a day, but still I had to keep a clear picture of my sister in my head to remind myself why I was doing this... I never imagined someone would look at me the way Victoria has... like a monster, is that really what I was now? If it was then I had to make peace with it, I would be a monster to get my sister back.

3rd Person POV:

The Martin's were told Victoria had the gift of foresight, and that she would be able to tell Elijah his siblings were safely in their coffins being carted around not and the bottom of the ocean. It would ruin Elijah's motivation to destroy his brother. Which would leave Greta under his "spell" indefinitely. They needed to work to lure Klaus out from the shadows a way to set into motion what Vee had halted and they were pointed in the perfect direction... Elena Gilbert.

Meanwhile in the Donovan household:

Matt was falling apart not knowing what had happened to Vicki. His Mom wasn't worried, convinced the girl had just run off for attention. And Liz Forbes, the Sheriff, after only investigating 2 weeks had called the search off. 

This had lead to tension between Caroline and Matt. Matt was never going to stop looking for his sister and Caroline was getting tired of being the supportive girlfriend, she assumed Vicki had just fallen off the wagon... gotten back into drugs and Matt was being unreasonable forcing everyone to put their whole lives on hold until she was back. Like she was supposed to stop planning town functions or campaigning for Miss Mystic.

Everyone else in town was lead to believe she was just some teenage runaway, the only ones who knew that something nefarious and potentially supernatural was going on were Elena, Stefan, Alaric, Bonnie, Lexi, Lee, Jeremy, Enzo, and now Damon.

Enzo and Damon had finished driving back from Tennessee and were arriving at the boarding house to meet with the rest of the Scooby gang to brainstorm what to do next.

Boarding House:

Everyone is gathered in the parlor as the boys come in.

Bonnie: "Looking pretty good for someone who was supposed to be starving the past 6 months."

Damon: "Thanks Bon Bon, always knew you had a thing for me."

Lexi: (to Bonnie) "Yeah that's probably my fault, I had a witch friend spell the front porch so anything left there... you know mail, would materialize inside after being left alone for a certain amount of time. It was in case I ever had to leave Stefan there for a prolonged period of time I could still communicate with him. Leaving a phone was out of the question because he could just call the police to let him out... anyway I'm guessing letters weren't the only thing Vee was sending Damon."

Damon: "Right you are Velma." Stefan steps forward,

Stefan: "Alright Scooby, can we focus now."

Damon: "Scooby?! if anything I'm --"

Elena: "Does it matter! This is Matt's sister and anything could have happened to her."

Damon: "Daphne's right, lets focus." Elena rolls her eyes at Damon's Damon-ness.

Alaric: "Did you bring the letters?"

Damon: "Who the hell are you?"

Enzo: "Ah, you've missed all the fun mate, this here is the new High School history teacher who moonlights as a vampire hunter... oh p.s. you killed his wife."

Alaric: "Turned her actually."

Lexi: "Guys! focus the letters."

Damon: "Reading someone's mail is a federal offense can't I just tell you what's in them?"

Bonnie: "No, we're hoping if she sent enough of them... and if for some bizarre reason she actually cares for you, then the letters will be the key we need to do a locator spell."

Damon: "Fine, but spoiler alert the girl was crazy... thought this was all some tv show."

Lexi: "She told you?"

Stefan: "Wait he's telling the truth?"

Elena: "What do you mean she thought this was all a tv show?"

Damon: "I mean all those so-called visions she had were tv episodes of the Vampire Diaries... of which I was obviously the main heartthrob and you Katherine 2.0, were torn between me and Stefan."

Elena: "Now I know your lying."

Damon: "Sorry to break it to you sweetheart but we even had a ship name- Delena."

Elena: "Well that's D'llusional and something that would never happen."

Alaric: "As fun as this is to watch maybe we should put a pin in whatever this all is and get back to finding Victoria."

Damon: "Teach is right, here you go." Damon hands over all the letters to Bonnie.

Bonnie starts dipping them in water,

Damon: "Hey what the hell??!"

Bonnie ignores him and continues to get each page wet and then allow the ink to drip of the page into a separate bowl. Once she's done she uses the inky water as if it was blood over a map allowing the droplets to move around revealing Vee's location.

Bonnie: "There!"

Stefan: "It's not far from Mystic Falls, Lexi Lee and I will go."

Enzo: "And why do you get to play hero?"

Lexi: "If anyone should go, it should be me. I'm the oldest... the strongest."

Damon: "Then how did I so easily stake you in episode 1x08?"

Lee gets angry and starts to approach Damon but Alaric stops him.

Alaric: "Bonnie and I should be the ones to go, we'll attract the least suspicion... it could be Katherine that has her seeing you and Stefan wouldn't be smart."

Enzo: "Then I volunteer to be your vampire back up... I'll stay in the car I swear, I'll just be there when you inevitably screw it all up."

Bonnie: "How very generous, let's go."

Enzo Bonnie and Alaric piled into Damon's car, blasting more AC/DC much to his ire and took off to rescue Vee.

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