Whittle Trouble?

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^^A/N: sorry for the dumb name, I didn't know what to title this chapter.^^

Without Vee's blood Bonnie was only able to narrow down her location to a square mile but as soon as they were close she could feel the magic that was surrounding the house she was being held.

The magic was strong, she and Alaric were able to approach the door but no matter what they did they couldn't get inside, there was some sort of protective barrier spell.

Enzo was ready to start burning the place down if that's what it took but Bonnie talked him down.

Bonnie: "If she's in there, you're putting her in danger,"

Enzo: "She's in danger because she's in there!"

Alaric: "Guys come on we have to work together, Bonnie is there any kind of spell that will help."

Bonnie: "The magic coming from the house is too strong, I can't overpower it."

Enzo: "How the bloody hell are you useful then?"

Alaric: "That's not helping"

Enzo: "None of this is helping." Enzo failed his arms in frustration.

Bonnie: "Wait I might have an idea."

She looks to Enzo, "Can you do that thing where you get inside people's heads?"

Enzo: "It's a specialty of mine."

Bonnie: "I'll take that as a yes, I'm gonna try to project you inside, you won't be able to physically do anything but you'll be able to communicate with her, at the very least she'll know we're out here trying... that we're going to keep working on it until we find a way to free her."

Bonnie took Enzo's hands and started reciting a spell... A few moments later Enzo found himself inside the house. Immediately he started looking around for Victoria.

If I was an evil psycho... scratch that, when I was an evil psycho where would I hide someone? Enzo thought.

Enzo looked for a door to the lower level... a basement. And went down the stairs. There she was, tied to a chair, he was furious someone had done this to her, she looked so tired and uncomfortable.

Sensing someone was present Vee lifted her head and her whole face light up at the sight of Enzo,

Vee: "You're here, you found me." She smiled.

Enzo: "I am here love but I'm afraid I can't get to you."

Enzo hated see her face fall and hope leave her,

Vee: "What do you mean?"

Enzo: "There is a barrier spell around the house, we can't get in but we're outside and we will find a way. Can you tell us who took you... or why?"

Vee: "It was Jonas and Luka Martin, they're witches... or warlocks I guess. The other member of their family, Greta, is missing with a very dangerous original who they want to lure out of hiding. They need me out of the way to do it." She took a deep breath and looked up at Enzo with sad frightened eyes, "Please get me out of here... I don't want to be here anymore." Tears started to fall down her cheeks gutting Enzo.

Enzo: "I swear to you, I will do whatever it takes to free you!"

Suddenly he was gone, Victoria tried calling out for him but Bonnie wasn't able to project him any longer.

Back outside the house, Enzo's consciousness came back to the present.

Alaric: "Well, what'd you find out?"

Enzo: "I found out I have some witches to kill."

Back at the Boarding House, the trio relayed everything to the rest of the group.

Damon: "What the hell is an original?"

Alaric: "Seriously? It's one of the original vampires, first of your kind... strongest and baddest in history. How do you not know this?"

Damon: "No, how do you do know this?"

Stefan: "Does that matter? We just found out witches or warlocks or whatever are trying to lure the most dangerous oldest vampire in existence to Mystic Falls, and the one person who could help us defend each other and the town is gone."

Enzo: "She's not gone, we're going to get her back."

Elena: "How? You guys can't get in."

Bonnie: "Me, if I find Jonas or Luka... I might be able to get them to trust me."

Elena: "No Bonnie that's too dangerous."

Bonnie: "If Vee is right, which she has been about...everything then things are about to get a lot more dangerous for all of us if we don't stop them."

Damon: "Great you find out who the Martin's are Enzo and I will kill them, Vee goes free we avoid tangling with an Original... everyone wins."

Lexi: "Its not that simple."

Damon: "Why the hell not?"

Lexi: "Because if the Martins have some connection to an original that might mean they are under their protection which could mean killing them would send us one vengeful original express anyway."

Damon: "Great, any other ideas?"

Jeremy: "I might have one."

Damon: "how about you go find a video game to play and let the grown-ups keep talking."

Jeremy: "So you don't want to know about the Stake Vee put under my bed the night she thought you were going to kill her, you know made out of the one thing that can kill an Original?"

They all stop and look at Jeremy.

Lexi: "Are you saying Vee was able to find white oak?"

Jeremy: "Yeah but its really just a hunk of wood, she didn't know how to whittle it into a stake."

Lexi: "So right now, we have a way to potentially kill an original?"

Stefan: "Why is this such a big deal, wouldn't be the same as killing any other vampire?"

Lexi: "No, they can only be killed with wood from the white oak tree but legend was that as soon as they discovered that they burned the tree down... were would Vee know to find another?"

Enzo: "Perhaps from watching the Vampire Diaries."

Damon: "Don't tell me you're actually starting to believe her."

Enzo: "Doesn't exactly sound like the craziest thing I've ever heard, hell its not even the craziest thing I've heard today."

Damon: "Yeah well color me still skeptic."

Bonnie: "Maybe we can make a trade then, the stake for Victoria. If they want Greta back from an original surely they would be interested in the one thing that no one thought was around anymore, the one thing that would kill them?"

Damon: "So what we're just going to hand over our only weapon against indestructible supper vampires?"

Jeremy: "If we got Vicki back she could show us where more is."

Damon: "And what if that was the last of it."

Enzo: "Then we make do, Jeremy mate... go get the wood,  it's time to learn how to whittle."

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