What's next?

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Victoria POV:

Dear Diary, 

Yes, I am actually doing the lame thing of keeping a diary while in the Vampire Diaries. What can I say its hard to keep track of what I know, what others know, what I remember will happen, what I don't want to happen, and writing it down helps keep things organized in my head... pretty sure its the only thing that's kept me sane.

Things had been up in the air recently, Lexi, Lee, and Harper only stay through the week and then took off. Bree didn't last much longer, I guess she got tired of being Damon's sex doll/buddy plus she had her bar to get back to. Enzo was still here keeping in the shadows, he's worn Matt down and the two are actually kind of friends now. It helped he was very handy around the house, fixing things we wouldn't have been able to afford to fix otherwise.

I felt bad about leaving him trapped inside all day when I was working or at school. I talked to him about asking Bonnie for a daylight ring but he still wanted to keep his presence in town top secret, not that I think Bonnie would have been too eager to do me a favor anyways.

Ever since Bonnie helped Bree open the tomb she's been a little... full of herself? She was acting like she was superior or invincible or something, I was just glad Grams was still around to pull her back in line if she started getting out of hand.

Jeremy found out about vampires due to Anna, even though she got her Mother back the pair hadn't left. They decided to stick around and now Jeremy was feeling like Elena and I had deceived him. It wasn't like in the show, I was still alive so Elena never had Damon compel him to forget but still, his feelings were hurt and he was keeping his distance from us.

I know Damon treated me like crap when I first got here and he was still an unhinged sociopath but honestly, I felt bad for him. As much fun as Katherine is to watch, I wouldn't wish anyone to tangle with her in real life. Still, as much as I wanted to help Damon I knew the only help he was looking for was in drunk sorority girls, and as sexy as I still found him I wasn't any more interested in being his sex buddy than Bree had been.

For now, I was trying to focus on School and work, but honestly, I was feeling homesick, it was getting me a bit depressed. I wanted to hug my mom so badly. When I ever those feelings started to get too much for me I transferred them on to Matt. I loved Matt as if he was my real brother. The two of us had really become a team lately. 

(ding dong)

Hang on sounds like someone's at the door,

I'll write more later, wish me luck I guess!

3rd Person POV:

Vee moves to open the door shocked to see Melinda Clarke/Matt's Mom.

Vee: "Uhh, Mom?"

Kelly: "Well, are you gonna let me in?"

Matt: "Vic's who's at the door?" Matt shouts from the Kitchen,

Kelly: "You're mother! and she would like to know why her key no longer works." Kelly said pushing her way in past Victoria.

Matt: "Mom?"

Kelly: "Yes, is my presence really so surprising? This is still my house."

She comes further into the house and drops her bags carelessly. Vee rolls her eyes and moves them to the side so no one tripped on them. Kelly gives Matt a big kiss on the cheek but then snakes his breakfast he just made for himself and helps herself to the last of the OJ.

Matt and Vee exchange a look, neither knowing what to do.

Matt: "So, it's been a few months. Where've you been?"

Kelly: "Ah, you know, here and there. Never one place too long. You know Pete."

Matt: "No, actually, I don't. Because you never brought him around."

Kelly doesn't respond to the question and walks back over towards her bags and starts heading to her room,

Vee: "Wait, you can't just go in there,"

Kelly: "And why not it's my bedroom."

Vee: "We rented it out."

Kelly: "What? Why on earth would you do something like that?"

Vee: "Oh I don't know to pay bills, keep ourselves fed, and a roof over our heads."

Kelly: "Oh don't be so dramatic."

Kelly drops the bags again and grabs a clean glass from the sink and opens the fridge, grabbing a bottle of vodka, before sitting down at the table adding it to her orange juice.

Kelly: "Well, I guess Vicki will have to move on to the couch, I'll take your room sweetie until the end of the month then whoever this renter is will have to go."

Vee: "Are you even going to be here till the end of the month?"

Kelly: "Is that any way to talk to your mother?"

Matt: "Mom, seriously, knock it off, what are you doing back here?"

Kelly: "Are you trying to say I need a reason to come back? Sit down. Eat with me."

[Matt grabs a bowl and some cereal and sits across the table from Kelly.]

Kelly: "Tell me everything I've missed, hmm."

Vee: "Well this seems more like a mother-son bonding thing, so I'm just going to go."

Matt: "Vick, you don't have to."

Vee: "No it's fine, I'm meeting my tutor soon anyway."

Victoria says quickly heading out the door.

Kelly: "A tutor? Since when is my daughter so studious?"

Matt: "Vick's actually been trying really hard lately,"

Kelly: "Really?"

Matt: "Yeah, so maybe now's not the best time to come back if you're just gonna do what you always do."

Kelly: "And what is it that I always do?

Matt: "Drink, party, hook up with someone inappropriate, and then take off with whatever money is lying around."

Kelly: "Ouch, okay well that is not why I am back okay? I promise baby, it's different this time. I realized I don't have much more time with you and Vicki, you're both so close to graduating now and I just wanted to come back before I missed any more time with either of you. I promise no drama, I just want another chance to be your mom, even if it's only for a little while longer, okay?"

Matt: "Okay." Matt wasn't sure if he could believe Kelly but he hoped things could be different this time.

A Dangerous Desire- Elijah x OCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ