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Enzo didn't like staying behind but he had waited so long for his revenge he wanted it to go perfectly, and right now everything was too crazy... he didn't feel like losing to Katherine's ghost/the pain her absence would cause Damon, no when he struck he wanted to be the center of attention. 

He didn't tell Vee that he saw his daylight ring in a display case at Augustine, he was thankful for her rescuing him but still, it would be a long time before he trusted anyone. So for now he was committed to keeping his cards close to the vest.

Victoria was thankful Stefan didn't seem to hold any grudges against her if anything it seemed their friendship had only grown stronger. Stefan agreed to stand with Lexi and help defend Vee if it came to it.  

Victoria was working a shift at the Grill when Stefan came racing in,

Victoria POV:

"Hey, Stef where's the fire?" I ask

He looks sick with worry 

"It's Elena, no one knows where she is, I think she's in danger... Bonnie's missing too, please is there any way you... your... gift, can help?"

Crap I forgot about Anna, wait that means Jeremy might be in danger too.

"Uhh, yeah hang on I'm gonna take my break, meet me out back," I tell him.

I got outside in the ally and see Stefan pacing back and forth,

"Hey, it's okay, she's going to be okay. They are at that motel just outside of town." 

He starts moving knowing which motel I am talking about but there's more he needs to know, "wait, Stefan!" I say stopping him, 

"There's more... she was taken by a vampire named Anna and a guy named Ben. Anna wants into the tomb for her mother Pearl, if she's taken Elena and Bonnie it's to force you to open the tomb tonight, and if she's already shown herself that means Jeremy is in danger too. She wants to use him to awaken her mother, she thinks it's poetic to have it be Gilbert blood or something."

Stefan takes this all in and nods, "okay, thank you. I'm gonna go get Elena and Bonnie, you try calling Jeremy and get him to come here, keep him in public until I get back okay?" 

I nod yes and he takes off. I whip out my phone and start calling Jeremy, please pick up.

It's straight to voice mail so I try sending a text, 

J- its Vee please be careful if you're with Anna she wants to use you for something very dangerous, come 2 the Grill and I'll explain.

Stefan POV:

I couldn't believe Damon said he wished Elena dies, thank god Victoria was able to use her psychic powers to help, I hope she's right and Katherine isn't in that tomb, my brother doesn't deserve happiness after everything he's done.

I was surprised when I found out she only befriended me to spy for Damon but I understood the more I thought about it, she was human and stood no chance against him, she was just trying to be clever enough to stay alive. I admired her efforts so far and after talking with Lexi I discovered she potentially saved her life. After learning that I couldn't hold anything against her.

I could see the motel now, I concentrated on my hearing to determine which room they were holding the girls in, I heard who I assume is Ben, 

"Witches don't have eternal life, right? So you guys can die."

He asked, and then I heard Bonnie's voice and knew I had the right room,

"Yep. We can die."

"Ah. that sucks," Ben replies and I kick the door in,

Ben screams as the sunlight starts to burn his skin. Thankful Bree hasn't supplied every vampire in town with a daylight ring so I go and rip the curtains open, allowing more sunlight to pour in. Ben dives between the two beds desperately trying to hide from the sun.

"Stefan!" Elena screams relieved I've found her,

Bonnie and Elena get up and dash out the door.

"Let's get outside!" I tell them before walking over to Ben, looking down at him.

 "When the sun goes down, leave town. If I ever see you again, I will kill you," I threaten him before filing them in on everything and heading over to the Grill hoping Victoria was able to get in touch with Jeremy.

When we get there I see Victoria on her phone much to her manager's ire, dammit that means Anna must have Jeremy.

I call Lexi and get her to go over and convince Bree to help, Bree tells her Anna has been to see Damon, which means Damon must have known she was involved when Elena came up missing and didn't tell me. Anna will be there tonight when we open the tomb which means that's where Jeremy will be, we will have to get him back then.

3rd Person POV:

Everyone is gathered at the tomb, except Jeremy. Anna has him not far and promises to return him safely as long as she is allowed to leave with her mother.

Bree and Bonnie open the tomb and Damon takes Elena inside as insurance not to trap him in there.

Stefan has gone to get gasoline to torch the other vampires and Victoria helps him carry them over.

V: "Stefan, there is someone in there, Harper... he's a good man, can we let him live? Please he was an African American who fought in the civil war if anyone deserves their freedom its him."

S: "Alright just point him out, but he'll have to stay at the boarding house to make sure he can control himself,"

V: "Of course."

When they get back and place the gas tanks and torches down Stefan notices Elena isn't there,

S: "Where's Elena?"

Bonnie: "I'm sorry we couldn't stop him he took Elena inside with him."

Just then Stefan hears Elena scream and races inside to save her. He tears her away from Anna and brings her back outside.

Anna exits the tomb not long after with her still mostly mummified mummy leaning on her.

Anna: "I just wanted my mother back. Jeremy's fine I left him by the falls, he's unconscious but otherwise unharmed."

Elena nods understanding somewhat,

Lee volunteers to go get him and bring him here,

E: "Thank you."

Victoria looks to Lexi and they decide it's time, they pick up the torches and head inside the tomb. After finding Harper, who Lexi takes outside, Victoria keeps going deeper into the chambers until she finds a very despondent Damon.

V: "I'm sorry."

D: "Don't pretend like you're not thrilled, congratulations you were right... she never loved me."

V: "I'm sorry."

D: "Stop saying that!"

V: "I'm sorry,"

D: "Stop it!" Damon yelled as he sped over slamming her into the wall.

Victoria hit her head hard but still, she whispered to Damon,

V: "I'm so sorry. even you deserve better."

Damon lets her go and starts weeping quietly sinking to the ground, Victoria pushes herself off the wall and goes over to him, embraces him in a hug which he latches on to for a minute before remembering who he is, or the person he wants people to believe he is and speeds off.

Victoria picks up her torch off the ground and finishes what she and Lexi started.

At home She tells Enzo everything that happened, and Enzo insists she drink some of his blood just to be safe.

Lexi has agreed to take Harper when she and Lee leave, and Stefan and Elena make sure Jeremy is safe and bring him home before laying down together in her bed.

E: "What happens now?"

S: "I don't know."

A Dangerous Desire- Elijah x OCWhere stories live. Discover now