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Victoria POV:

I left Matt and "Mom" to talk, Kelly was a disaster in the show and it's not like she was really my mom. No one knew but I had been studying to take my GED. I didn't do too poorly on my practice tests except for my Maths so that's what the tutor was for.

When I got to the School I recognized someone I wasn't sure I'd ever get to see in this new version of the Vampire Diaries I was living in... Mr. Alaric Saltzman. Well, my day just got a whole lot better. 

Alaric POV:

I had listened to that voicemail a hundred times... hearing my wife wasn't dead but a vampire I had to come to Mystic Falls and find who left the message, what they knew... everything.

I was at the High School looking for a job when I felt someone watching me, I turned around to see a young woman, she was admiring me, that much was obvious but it was more than that... it's like she was excited to see me, but I was sure we had never met... this might be a good place to start my quest for answers.

I turned and started walking towards her, I could see she panicked a bit as I got closer, she was like a deer in headlights trying to decide which way to run.

A: "excuse me, do we know each other?"

V: "oh, uhh no sorry for starring... I must have had you confused for someone else."

She tried to excuse herself but I recognized the voice, she was the one who had called and left me that message!

A: "wait, please. I recognize your voice... you're the one who called me about my wife."

V: "uhh, I uhh. It's... it's complicated, I'm sorry I'm late I should really go."

A: "wait, please. Can I at least have your name?" I shouted after her as she moved quickly to get away from me, she turned around and quickly shouted "Victoria," before disappearing into a classroom.

Victoria POV:

I had texted Stefan 910, it was our code for when things weren't technically an emergency but still pretty close. He was waiting for me outside the school. I had about a half hour before my shift at the Grill, so I caught him up as we walked over.

S: "Wait so this Alaric guy, his wife who's missing/a vampire... she's Elena's mom?"

V: "Yeah, he's here for answers. When I left that message for him I thought I was gonna die, what am I supposed to do now?"

S: "I don't know, this is a lot to take in."

V: "Oh I haven't even gotten to the best part?"

S: "Which is?"

V: "Take a guess who turned her."

S: "You don't mean..."

V: "Yup the one and only Mr. Damon Salvatore."

S: "Did you tell Alaric? If he comes at Damon then..."

V: "I know, and no I didn't tell him but if he sees Damon he'll know anyway."

S: "How?"

V: "Because he walked in on Damon drinking from her and then they disappeared out the window, that's the last time he saw her, it  was with Damon, that's not something you forget"

S: "Well, we're gonna have to keep them apart for as long as possible, Damon won't hesitate to kill him right now."

V: "What about Elena, are you going to tell her?"

S: "Ugh, I don't know... I mean yes, I have to right?"

V: "Hey don't look at me I only know what can happen, what should happen that's a judgment call."

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