Who are you?

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A/N: I'm going to be updating more frequently I know how I want the book to end now I think there will be between 8-12 more chapters

Matt POV:

Rebekah came clean to me after having a fight with her brother but the crazy thing is I still like her. And as long as she's being honest with me now I don't really care why she initially approached me.

Tonight I was meeting her for our first official date since wiping the slate clean. We had agreed to eat at Mystic Grill first and then go see a movie, it was going to be her first and I was really excited to experience that with her.

I walk into the Grill and do a quick scan, looks like I beat her here, not hard considering I live next door.

I turn to walk out to wait for her outside but I spot Jeremy.

Why is he at the bar? I know the adults in the town tend to give us a free pass from time to time but the kid is being way too obvious about it even for Mystic Falls.

I decided to approach him, and make sure he was alright.

"Hey man, you doing okay"

"Just peachy, can't you tell?" he replies snarkily.

"Yeah alright well you might want to slow down a bit, your 16 and getting drunk in public, don't think that's going to be ignored for too much longer."

"Whatever," he mumbles clearly not giving a shit what I or anyone else thinks.

I look back and make sure Rebekah still hasn't arrived before deciding to take a seat next to him.

"Come on man, what's going on?" I ask.

"Walked in on Bonnie screwing Enzo."

Wow was not expecting that,

"Huh, I didn't realize the two of you were an item again."

"We weren't but things had been getting better between us lately I thought maybe there might be a chance for us still after everything, guess I was wrong," he says before slinging back another shot.

"I'm really sorry your in pain man, really I am. But this isn't the answer. Just because it doesn't look like your gonna end up with who you thought that doesn't mean you should quit on life... quit on yourself. I mean look at my sister losing Elijah could have devastated her but she still gets out of bed every day and does her best for me, the baby, and most importantly for herself."

Jeremy just huffs and mumbles something to himself.

"What was that?" I ask, man this kid is starting to really piss me off.

He puts his drink down and shouts in my face, "I said 'what an idiot'."

I take a step back and he seems to lose some of his bluster falling back onto his stool,

"cause thats what you are, a stupid delusional idiot," he finishes now fully pissing me off.

"What the hell is your problem?!"

"Saint Vee for starters, didn't it ever strike you as odd?" he asks me.

"Didn't what ever strike me as odd?"

"When did Vick ever express any interest in anything domestic? Growing up she was more likely to be covered in dirt not inside making cookies she comes into some money and the first thing she does is open a bakery, really?"

"So it's a new interest, people get new interests everyday." I tell him

He rolls his eyes at me and stands up, "okay how about this, how many people do you know are able to quit pills, weed, and cigarettes cold turkey all at the same time... no 12 step plan or support group and not have a single slip up?"

I think about it...

I guess I was so happy about my sister turning things around I didn't question it too much but now that Jeremy brings it up I guess it is a little strange but its not like it's impossible right?

"What are you trying to say?" I ask him directly not wanting to play along anymore with whatever this is.

He tilts his head at me, "She's not your sister, she is not Vick."

"What the hell are you talking about, you know what never mind, I'm out of here." I tell him and turn to walk away but he rushes to stand in front of me blocking my exit.

"You knew Vick better than anyone, come on just think about it. She suddenly started taking care of you, of your house, when did Vick ever clean anything if she wasn't getting paid to? and even then it was at best half-heartedly. She talks differently than her hell she even goes by a different name."

"Yeah a witch took her memories okay that doesn't mean she's not still Vicky deep down."

"Did she tell you that, that she doesn't have any memories of her childhood... or just that she doesn't have any memories of Vicky's childhood?"

"Whats going on here?" I hear Rebekah's voice come from behind me but suddenly it feels like a bomb has gone off my vision is tilting back and forth and everyone's voices sound like they are underwater.

Jeremy's just a dick, right? He can't be right about this... he can't' be.

3rd Person POV:

Matt storms outside the Mystic Grill with Rebekah following, he takes a couple of long steps before pausing to brace himself on his knees and try to steady his breathing.

"What is it, what's happened?" Rebekah asks concerned,

"I'm sorry but I need to cancel our date, there's something I need to find out." he tells her.


Matt shakes his head, "its probably nothing, I'm really sorry I'll call you, I promise."

With that Matt stumbles across the street to the bakery.

Vee hears the bell chime and looks over to see Matt

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be on your date?" she asks,

"Are you my sister?" Matt just flat out asks.

Vee laughs a bit, "what?"

"I just spoke with Jeremy and he said you're not really Vicky," Matt explains and notices at the mention of Jeremy's name the color has started to drain from his sister's face.

"Please just tell me he's a dick and doesn't know what the hell he's saying."

Vee's eyes have started to water,

"He's a dick," she croaks out, her voice tight with emotion

Matt clenches his jaw, "and..."

Vee bites her lip, "Matt,"

"Just tell me,"

"I love you, please please know that,"

Matt takes a step back as the reality of what is being said is landing on him,

"Who the hell are you?"

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