Gender Reveal

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A/N: sorry it's a short one

Vee POV:

Today had been eventful, this morning I realized I'm in love with Elijah, this afternoon I was given the gender of the baby I'm carrying, and now I am meeting with Elijah once more to share the news.

3rd Person POV:

Elijah had decided not to hand over the moonstone, at least not yet, Niklaus was already far too dangerous giving him more power was just not something he was comfortable with.

He and Lavender were meeting at his apartment to cap off the day.

*ding dong*

Elijah opens the door to find her on the other side,

"Hi," she sweetly says causing a smile on the usually serious original's face.


"I know this is usually your line, but are you going to invite me in," Vee teases

He ducts his head a feeling a little foolish, "Of course, please come in, let me take your coat,"

"Wow this lovely," she tells him

He looks around at the dark living area with bookcases lining the walls and heavy drapery, "I know it's a bit stuffy,"

"Elijah, I mean it, it's lovely," she tells him.

"Thank you, it means the world coming from you,"

The two stare at one another for a moment before Elijah offers her a drink and shows her to a table he has set up for them to share dinner.

"This all smells amazing, thank you,"

Elijah pours himself some wine and then brings over grape juice for Vee,

"How was the doctor today? Were you able to find out the sex?"

"I was, well they were I had them write it in an envelope and then I stopped by a baby store on the way over and gave it to the sales associate," Vee reaches into her bag and produces a small wrapped box

"When they were about to tell me, I don't know I just wanted it to be a moment I could share with someone so I thought perhaps we could find out together. If it's a boy there will be a blue rattle and pink for a girl," she explains

"You want to share it with me?" Elijah asks

"You know never mind, it's stupid I can open this later," she says suddenly feeling silly

"Lavender, I am not Mason Lockwood, I am touched you wish to share this with me. You don't have to tiptoe around this, I am not afraid of children or commitment, the only thing that causes me fear is not having you in my life."

Vee starts to tear up at that but manages to choke back actually crying, instead she moves the box between the two of them and slowly unwraps it.

Vee starts to tear up at that but manages to choke back actually crying, instead she moves the box between the two of them and slowly unwraps it

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A slow smile creeps across her face, "I'm having a boy,"

"Can you picture it now?" Elijah asks

Vee nods no longer trying to hold back the tears, "yes all of it, going back and forth on if he should be circumcised,  taking him to little league, oh god I'm going to have to cut up so many orange slices," she giggles, "my hands are always going to be sticky aren't they?"

"They will," Elijah tells her smiling and sharing in her joy, "but I will make myself available to help you get them clean again."

Vee goes over to Elijah and cuddles into him, "thank you for letting me share this with you,"

He holds her close, "thank you for wanting to share it, and as someone not circumcised I can assure you your son will be just fine if that is what you decide."

(a/n: I am assuming Vikings didn't practice circumcision but I may be wrong about that)

"Well that is very good to know," she tells him leaning up to give him a kiss, she rests her hands over his shoulders and the two just stand there swaying a bit, enjoying being in one another's arms.

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