Did Not See That Coming

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3 weeks later...

The gang was surprised when Klaus never came to collect his first blood donation from Elena. He seemed to have just disappeared after the sacrifice was successful, Rebekah was furious her brother had abandoned her without saying anything and had forced her way into the Boarding House taking up a room.

Tyler POV:

Matt had been crashing with me ever since finding out about Vee, I didn't really want to be in the middle but Matt was my oldest friend so I was trying to be supportive without encouraging this rift between them. I mean she's the only reason I don't think about ending myself every month just to avoid turning so I didn't see how I could ever really be mad at her for anything.

I tried to make Matt see that at least Vick was safe wherever she was and how much Vee had done to make his life better here, that it'd be okay to love them both but he was still too angry to see sense.

It was strange not being the hot head between the two of us but that's what betrayal can do to someone.

Speaking of hot heads my dad was in rare form these days even for him. I couldn't wait to be out of this fucked up house and this even more fucked up town. It sucks knowing you're stronger than the person bullying you, sucks even more when it's your freaking dad. It was because of my new strength that I felt more vulnerable then ever because I knew that if I ever let my control slip and fought back I'd probably end up killing him so I just had to take it.

Normally he'd be on slightly better behavior if we had company but not this time apparently, Matt's presence was doing nothing to curb my father's behavior.

"Outside, NOW!" he demands interrupting our dinner

"Richard, please we have company," My mother says to try and discourage him

"Do not tell me how to speak to my own damn son," he says leaning over towards her causing her to shrink back.

"It's fine," I say and drop my napkin on the table, might as well just get this over with.

We walk outside and he starts pacing,

"Dad what? What is it, what did I do?"

He stops and pins me with a hard stare, "I've been paying attention to you a little closer lately,"

"Yeah, it's been great," I mumble

He stalks towards me and I brace myself for his punch but he throws a liquid on

I stumble back surprised, "what was that?!"

"Vervain," he tells me and I go stiff.

"You think I'm a vampire?"

"Don't treat me like an idiot, I run this damn town and I know you are not my son," he tells me.

"Dad, I'm not a vampire!"

"I don't believe you," he tells me and grabs a stake from his jacket pocket,

"Put that down Dad, your gonna get yourself hurt," he doesn't listen and runs at me but I easily sidestep his path,

He tries again and again but is unable to get close to me,

His breathing is ragged now, "I know your not human, I will find a way to kill you, I promise you that,"

"You want to know what I am? I'm a werewolf and guess what so are you," I tell him no longer giving a damn.

"No, I know what I am and you won't get in my head you demon! I have a heartbeat, I bleed, I get short of breath, I am a man, you your are nothing but a freak, an abomination, and I won't have you living under my roof one more night, existing in this town with my name one more day!"

He takes out a gun from his waistband, "whoa Dad, wait, what are you doing?"

"I'm putting down a wild animal," before he can squeeze the trigger a large wolf has jumped out from the trees and knocked him down, he viciously rips into my dad's neck and kills him before I can blink.

He growls a bit at me and then I swear gives me a bit of a nod before running off.

I am frozen still in shock,

"What the hell just happened?"

Vee POV:

Honey and I are snuggled up in bed together when my phone goes off, who would be calling me this late?

I answer the phone, "hello?"

"Vee, you need to get over to the Boarding House right now," Stefan tells me,

"Stefan it's almost midnight, whatever it is can it wait?"

"Mayor Lockwood was killed in front of Tyler tonight... by a werewolf."

"What? How is that possible it's not a full moon,"

"Which leaves one possibility," he says and I realize who is responsible,


At the Boarding House 3rd Person POV:

"What the hell was Klaus thinking killing someone as prominent as the Mayor?" Stefan asks

"I'm sorry are we now trying to apply reason to my brother?" Rebekah sasses.

"It just seems like an unnecessary risk."

"Well, Nik has never been afraid to take a risk."

"I can't believe this has happened, I feel so bad for Tyler," Elena says "not to mention Carol,"

"Yeah," Matt agrees.

Vee arrives and Matt is not happy about her joining in on this meeting,

"Was calling her really necessary?" Matt asks no one in particular

"Yes," Damon replies strongly

"Thanks for coming, now we're just waiting on Bonnie,"

"I'm here," Bonnie says walking in just behind Vee.

"Did you bring everything?" Stefan asks,

"Bring everything for what?" Vee asks,

"We're having Bonnie do a location spell to find Klaus,"

"Are you sure that's the smartest thing to do?"

"Let's just say my brother and I need to have words and I'm tired of waiting," Rebekah tells her.

Bonnie takes some of Rebekah's blood and preforms the spell, "huh."

"What, what is it?"

Bonnie looks up and out towards the window, "it says he's here, right outside."

"Lovely that keeps our trip short," Rebekah charges outside and comes across Klaus in wolf form, his fur stained red from Mayor Lockwood's blood.

"Turn back, Nik we need to have words!" Rebekah orders.

Klaus just growls at her,

"I'm not bloody afraid of you, now TURN BACK!"

His growls get louder, "I sware Nik if you don't turn back right this moment I will skin that fur off of you and wear it as a damn shawl!"

Vee has a theory that is slowly coming to her and then she sees Klaus lay down and whine a bit and she gets a bit more confidence in her theory and decides to voice it to the group.

"He can't, can you?"

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