What is this?

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A/N: Trigger Warning, I will be describing a panic attack. Please don't read if you believe you might be upset hearing it described (and yes I know what they feel like, definitely not a good time) Nothing other than Vee talking to Stefan about what has just happened and Matt moving out/demanding Vee go off Vervain so he can make sure everything she is saying is the truth will be happening in this chapter, so skip if you feel you need to.

Also to any who are confused because you remember Vee already telling Matt, what she actually did was tell matt she couldn't remember her life before her 2nd junior year not that she was a completely different person, it was a half-measure because she was afraid of losing him. Also, remember this is not a body swap story, Vee looks very different from the actress who originally played Vicky only no one seems to remember that so this isn't about 2 souls merging or something along those lines.

3rd Person POV:

"I was born Lavender Victoria Ellis," Vee tells Matt, tears now falling down her face knowing he won't ever forgive her for this.

"You're middle name is Victoria? Well, that had to make things easier,"

"Matt, please I am so sorry, I know I was selfish and cowardly... I didn't want to lose you!"

"Just shut up, seriously just stop. The only thing I want to hear from you is where my actual sister is and then I never want to see you again."

Vee drops her head in defeat, "She's in my life, in my world, with my family. She's safe."

"How do I get her back?" Matt asks.

Vee shakes her head and wipes some tears away, "you can't"

"You have literally lied to me every single day you've known me, so excuse me if I don't believe a single word out of your mouth."

"I'll stop taking vervain you can have a vampire you trust compel me, ask me anything but I swear to you Matty nothing I did was ever to cause you pain, I love you I do love you please, please know that, that there was nothing sinister or cruel in my intentions."

"No one evil actually thinks they're the bad guy, they've all convinced themselves they just did what they had to. I'll be back in 3 days with Rebekah, have all my stuff packed up for me by then, in case it wasn't obvious I won't be staying here anymore."

With that Matt walks out of the bakery and calls Rebekah,

Inside Vee can't believe what has just happened, she's in complete shock just staring at the door Matt just walked out of.

Vee POV:

Did that just happen?

No, it-


I suck in a breath or try to, but suddenly the air feels thick and my whole body is tingling... vibrating like a live wire, I need to go lay down. I rush to the door and lock it and then the cash register and turn off the lights to finish closing up before quickly going upstairs.

Once in the apartment, I run to my bedroom and try to calm down but now I'm feeling nauseous, and my muscles have started to spasm... what is this, what the hell is happening to me?

Dammit, I want Elijah, I really really want Elijah.

I grab my phone and dial 911 to Stefan, fuck this 910 crap.

It only takes him 5 minutes to reach me but now it feels like my whole body is on fire and it's getting harder to take a full breath.

He walks in and rushes over to me, "hey, what is it? What's happened?"

"Jer- Jeremy told Matt, he knows," I say tensing all my shaking muscles as hard as I can to stop my teeth from chattering, "he knows Stefan, and he hates me, I've lost him."

Stefan looks at me sympathetically but the shaking has started to get even stronger,

"what the hell is happening to me?" I shout.

Stefan strokes my hair and turns my face to his, "it's a panic attack, you're experiencing intense prolonged fear and your body is struggling to deal with it," he explains.

"yeah, well it sucks."

He smiles sadly, "I know. But I'm here okay? I won't leave we'll get through this together, what can I do, what do you think would make it better?" he asks

"I don't know, hot, I'm so hot," I tell him starting to feel fatigued.

He nods and gets up leaving me alone for a minute coming back with an ice-cold washcloth that he starts stroking me with- on my forehead, arms, the back of my neck.

"Ahh, thank you that's helping."

I feel myself start to relax but a minute later the shaking has started again like the fear and anxiety are coming in waves.

The next morning...

3rd Person POV:

Vee struggled through the panic attack for around 5 hours the previous night before it finally subsided and she fell into slumber around 1am.

Stefan was devastated for his friend, and a part of him... a larger part then he was proud of was tempted to find Jeremy and beat the crap out of him.

He texted Elena and explained what had happened, she was pretty disappointed with Jeremy too. He didn't call worried speaking at a volume Elena could hear him would awaken Vee and she and the baby really needed their rest.

He did decide to call his brother tho, knowing he could speak at a much quieter level and Damon would still be able to pick it up.

Ring Ring Ring

"Where the hell are you," Damon answers the phone being his usual charming self,

"It's Vee she had a panic attack last night, I'm still with her."

"Is she alright?"

"Damon, you and Enzo need to find Elijah. I don't know how much longer she's going to be able to hold it together."

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